Suavie (3245643)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Edward and Bellas Cottage
Published Aug 8, 2010
About Me
Hmm...well my names Tiffany. I'm not a 100% hardcore simmer, but I do enjoy it. It's pretty much my break from WoW. I know...completely different kind of games, but i am just wierd like that. With Sims I mainly like building and creating new sims. I have a hard time sticking with one family. One of these days I will do it. I literally tried to do the legacy challenge about..well over 10 times. lol
My Latest Updates Show All
Update on Burning Bridges...Chapter 7Written Aug 20, 2010
Hey! Sorry it took me so long to complete chapter 7, but it is finished! :) I debated for a while on how I was going to do it and it was going to be longer, but I decided againts it. I'm making it two chapters instead of one. So next chapter will be Victoria and Isabella finally "discussing" all that is going on. Isabella has some hard choices to make. But... ...More
Bridges Burned Update...Written Aug 07, 2010
Chapter 5 is done!! It should hopefully be up tonight(I submitted it yesterday). I loved your guy's comments, but i'm going to have to just let you wait to find out. I will tell you this...Josh does have issues and you'll get to learn more about him and his personality in this chapter... Now i'm off to finish chapter 6! :) ...More
Update on Bridges Burned...Written Aug 05, 2010
Chapter 4 was just submitted!! :) It's going to be a follow up on Zac and how he's doing. You'll even finally meet her mother. :) Oh and her mother meets Josh...for the first time? Hmmm...I guess you'll have to wait to find out. :P Thanks again to everyone following this story and commenting!! I really appriciate it. You guys are... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
love shinaAug 22, 2014
it is too bad you didn't finished te story Burning Bridges, because it was a really good one!
lish300Oct 16, 2012
Burning Bridges was sooo good! Its a shame you never finished
emilymarie0201Mar 29, 2011
are you going to continue bridges burned? I absolutely loved that story