Tabeetha (2747978)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (57 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

The Linden House
Published Oct 8, 2010
About Me
Actually, it is a we - a mother and daughter team. We began playing when Sims 1 was released, and we both loved Sims 2. Sims 3 has now become our favorite game, besides World of Warcraft. We both enjoy creating things for Sims 3 in our spare time and decided to share our things here on TSR. Tabeetha is the mother and SaeSae12 is the daughter. We hope you enjoy the things we create for Sims 3
My Guestbook Show All
JCIssetteDec 25, 2009
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! You all have been missed. Hope all is well. Have a good one. Hugs, Judy
kickaro1Nov 04, 2009
I just wanted to say that i love your creations and look forward to more of them
JCIssetteAug 21, 2009
You are so welcome, Tabeetha. (love that name) And would your daughter be twelve years old? Just taking a hint from her site name. And is that her Sims self in your avatar??? I do ask a lot of questions, but I have to get to know such lovely people that brag on me. LOL. Thanks again for loving my creations. It makes it all worth while when one gets such validation. Hugs to all. Judy