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TheNumbersWoman's Blog

Well still around

I have been so busy with the site that I have not had time to create anything. I hope to be involved in the Farm Theme coming in August! I look forward to doing content again, even a small bit. Happy Simming everyone.


OMG it's been horrid this year. My computer hard drive went BOOM and I lost a 33 item set. After much waiting and anticipation I finally got a new computer. Thank Gawd! Shabby Chic, Urban, maaayyyyybbbbeeeee some Ikea (Althought Artvitalex does such a good job with that now). Be watching in the next couple weeks. W00T

Get To Work Preview!

Get To Work. Really says it all. I had the opportunity to view and play the new EP Get To Work on Friday at EA UK. I was quite excited as we all asked for this in Sims 3 and never got to have the EP we all loved from Sims 2 days.


I tried to get a handle on everything to let you all know what was coming with the EP but 3 hours was hardly enough time and I found myself all-over-the-place! I wanted to be a doctor to see patients as Sim Guru Azure explained we could. I wanted to be a detective and solve a crime. I wanted to be the scientist that discovered a porthole to the Alien world. THAT'S RIGHT ALIENS! SQUEEEEE.


I wanted to start my own business, hmm what would it be....Bakery, clothing, just couldn't make up my mind! Snapped pictures as I went, but not enough, went in the game in a frenzy trying to do everything and I mean everything. Think about this, 3 hours. That's it! They give you the best EP EVER and give you 3 hours.


So I will try to give you the lowdown on what I did and saw.

 You get a new neighborhood. Not sure if I should call it that as it's a new section with 4 lots, 3 are prebuilt retail stores. We were told you can build your business in any of the neighborhoods so I checked out the old community lots and sure enough there is a category now called retail. So technically you can knock down the 3 businesses and live in that new 4 lot section building your businesses elsewhere. I'm not sure if 4 lots was for the demo or if that will be the way it ships. That was unclear. As far as I could tell you couldn't have a home business, it must be out in a store. You can hire employees. In retail you have to sell your product, they aren't just going to buy off the shelf as far as I understood. You transfer money from your household to your business to run it and you can also transfer back to the household if you do well.



I got the business and set it up then played for what seemed like 5 minutes selling, setting prices, getting the business going really well, then looked up and Oh No T-I-M-E! I had to move on.

 I moved on to the scientist as when I watched the Demo Sim Guru Azure played I knew that was to be a fun bit. I loaded a pre-load game as it takes a while to get your Sim up to science levels that you need to have the skills for calling on the aliens. You will have the ability in your scientist job to craft a porthole to the alien world. YES! We finally get to see where the aliens live! And they like to "Partay". I took my scientist to their world through the porthole and interacted with them a bit.


The aliens also have a new twist. They have the ability to disguise themselves as humans and walk among your Sims unnoticed. All jobs have set goals you must accomplish in a work day and his was to lie to the aliens about what he did for a job. I could not for the life of me get that to happen, but again it was time so I had to move on.


I then went to be a crime solver and had one of the Sims be a detective. You actually go to the police station and all sorts of tools you need are there. You get assignments on crimes that are being investigated Detectives find crime assignments from the computer and travel to a crime scene from the crime board. Once at the scene you look for clues, take crime scene photos and question witnesses. While I didn't have time to actually put together all my clues (as I wanted to try the doctor too) I did have time to gather all the evidence. It was really fun and threw such a different level into the Sims game.


So now I was off to be a doctor. I went to the hospital and there were actually patients waiting to be seen. You have to diagnose them, treat them, and do all the things a GP may do. But wait! An Emergency arises! Someone having twins and you are needed in emergency! You run to the emergency and BANG...Time over computers down. No more play. You have to wait until April (here in Europe). I will never know if I could do the twins. Ah well.


So to sum this up here are a few tidbits I picked up along the way:


1. There are vending machines and bathrooms in the workplace in case of an emergency and you forgot to feed or toilet your Sim before work.

2. There are a lot of new science items I could see including a cloning machine and ray gun.

3. Loads of new objects and clothing. New items you would find in retail.

4. You can have several careers in a household but only play one at a time, so if you have a husband doctor and a wife detective you can only follow one or the other for the Sim day. You do have the option to let them go on their own to work when it's time.

5, There are many retail things you can do, not limited to but including gardening, baking, retail clothing, art gallery, just to name a few.

6. Aliens are back and you have the ability to visit their world, but only through a science porthole.
7. You can again have alien babies and men can get pregnant.
8. Aliens are creatable through CAS


I really wish I could have this now. It is going to be one of the best EP's we have seen from EA in a very long time.


Working Curtains and Blinds Set to Free

After many requests I have decided to go ahead and set the working Blinds and curtains Free. I hope you all enjoy them!

TSR Goes to the EA Screening of Paradise.....

And O-M-G! I personally think this is the best expansion ever! Houseboats, mermaids, boats, Diving!!!!


I had the chance to try out the new expansion and I had loads of fun with this.You will be able to own a houseboat and actually Drive the houseboat. Diving Sims and mermaids! You will also have the new ability to own and use more than one property!! The ability to make houses on water...Thepossibilities will be endless!

There will be nw lifetime wishes!

Resort Empire- Own a five star resort and collect 40,000 simoleans

Seaside Sailor - Rescue 50 Sims as a lifeguard

Deep Sea Diver - Master the dive skill, earn 40,000 simoleans ifrom selling diving collectables


New lifetime happiness rewards are also available

Friend of the Kraken 30,000

Mermadic Kelp  25,000 ----->unlocks new reward Permanent Mermaid

Uncharted Island Map 25,000

Lungs of Steal  15,000

Hotel Mogul  15,000

Strong Stomach  2,000

Some of the sims will get sea sick on the boats and boat houses but not to worry! You can send households in different places and still play them. I sent my seasick sim to a resort where he enjoyed the day while the rest of the family went fishing off the houseboat.`


Loads of new items to play with and so many new things for our simmies to do. House boats ... vacation much more!

Be sure to check out TSR's Steve for more about this wonderful new expansion from EA!

TSR Goes to the EA Screening of Seasons!

Seeding clouds....Cutting Out Snowflakes.....Setting World Thermostat.....

That's Right! New loading-screen words means a new expansion pack: Seasons is coming! The long awaited Seasons Expansion Pack is almost here. I had just a precious few hours to look at the expansion and play a bit with the new features.

As I turned on the computer in anticipation of clicking “Play Sims 3” I was just thinking how cool this new expansion was going to be. I said to myself "Now Now - keep this excitement down lest you be disappointed". I had nothing what-so-ever to be scared of as this little simmer had wide eyes and smiles as soon as that game loaded up and I had a chance to look around. This has got to be the best expansion pack to date from our friends at EA. So what kind of goodies do we have to look forward to? Well, along with what you have heard and seen already, there are even MORE goodies…

Of course the season change is the most excellent change. You can control your seasons in the game’s options – such as turning off a season or two or set how many days a season will last. There will be some new skills like snowboarding and ice skating. That's right - They can ice skate – even on larger ponds. The "lake" freezes over and they can skate on it. There is a ‘Holiday’ for each season and we saw a demonstration of the "Gift" day for winter.

Winter time brings a new clothing option for outdoor wear. You choose the outdoor wear in CAS and they automatically change into that for the winter. Of course, any Sims that forgets may freeze to death. Yes they can freeze to death without the proper clothing. Oh and mistletoe! Yes mistletoe for all those love-birds or wannabe love birds. But nothing can beat the snowmen. They are hilarious. You can choose from several designs for your Sim to do. Building Snowmen is interactive so your Sims can get together to play in the snow.

Summer brings summer games such as horseshoe throwing. Each season has something new to do. Seasonal changes bring changes to leaves, shifts in weather etc. You also will have the ability in the options to "tone down" the weather. There are options to tick off and on for hail and rain, among others.

There are a few new hairstyles and loads of new clothing. This simmer got a kick out of the long johns! Made me laugh out loud....They have added a new feature to the work tab as in circling in red if you are missing school or work. Hard to miss if you are trying to skip your responsibilities!

And great news for those who missed them - aliens are making a return, yes! And men can bear the burden of childbirth once again!

EA has brought our Sims into the new millennium with this expansion. Yes they have raised their heads long enough from our demands to notice the real world....Our Sims will be able to online date! That's right, a screen pops up of the available single Sims and they can choose whom they think will be the next **cough** love of their life. The photo booths are one of my fave features. Each season festival will have new photo booth interactions. The Sim can get in the booth and take a portrait. clicking on that portrait in their inventory you can see it and have the option to Facebook it or twitter it as a greeting card. The photo has the particular season's background on the portrait. Of course if Twitter or Facebook are not your thing you can always hang on your Sims wall. Unfortunately we couldn't get a print screen so I could show you....So you'll have to buy seasons to see! ;O)

Just when you thought of every possible way to make your simmies’ lives a mess, EA has come up with more. They will now be able to get sick. I mean sick sick, The Flu being one. But no worries! You can go to the local hospital for a flu shot.

As I droll on here you may be interested in the new lifetime rewards. Yes they added quite a few. Some include The Cloudenator for 30,000, Immune to Heat for 10,000, Immune to Cold for 10,000, All Weather Champion (which makes you super great at all seasonal activities) for 10,000, Simmunity (yes super immune system) for 7500, Festival Frequenter (Able to earn more festival tickets) , and Competitive Eater for 5,000. 2 new traits Loves Cold and Loves Heat have also been added in CAS.

All in all I think we are all going to get a treat. The only disappointment? Having to come home and play a non-Season's game!

Ikea Sets

Hello All!

  Well now...a lot of requests for more Ikea!

As a creator I want to give you the best that I can. When I get bored with a style I set it aside and do something else. Keeps me a better creator.

As for the Ikea, yes I will make more, yes I am planning many more rooms.....but I am on a slight break from Ikea for just a few weeks. I am going to finish one more Asian room and then I will do probably a couple of shabby chic rooms, and then back to Ikea.

I need to mix up the styles to make sure I don't get to a point that it becomes not fun. So bear with me and Ikea will be back. Promise :o)


Some Slot Issues

It has come to my attention that the TSR fix for some of the Pets issues has not worked for some of my older creations. This is an easy fix for you as the downloader. All you need to do is run the item through rigfix and it will correct the issue.

The only thing this is not working for is beds and baths. I cannot open the older files in WS to fix those so I am afraid they will not be fixed if they have not been fixed yet. I have tried to fix everything I am aware of for this issue.

So please, if you have an issue with a counter or anything like that run it through rigfix and this will solve the issue.




TSRAA Policy

I have been asked several times about being TSRAA. I am actually as TSRAA artist so yes now that TS3 is TSRAA I would be happy for you to use my items. However….Only the sets after the Granas Dining please. And only at TSR as the TSRAA rules stipulate.


Just a note....... TSRAA does not mean you can clone my items without permission. TSRAA is to permit you to upload to TSR in lots. Please do not reclone my items without express permission.


Have Fun!

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Well still around I'm BACK Get To Work Preview! Working Curtains and Blinds Set... TSR Goes to the EA Screening of... TSR Goes to the EA Screening of... Ikea Sets Some Slot Issues TSRAA Policy
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