Snapdragon Slideshows
Here we go - links to slideshows of the two Snapdragon lots:
Simply Snapdragons (OFB lot) is the business lot full of Snapdragons for your Sims to buy and own. Don't sell them all at once! Wait until your Sim has hired someone to make some more or has learned to do so themselves! There are also a few other flowers set on trays in the little garden for Sims who may visit the shop but are not wealthy enough to afford Snapdragons. BTW, the flower-making machine (can't remember its name!) is hidden away around the back of the house, along with a couple more Snapdragons.
And Snapdragon Starter (Home Business) is, as the name suggests, a small starter home business. The shop already has a few daisy bouquets on the shelves and there are four Snapdragons hanging about the house / shop to keep your Sims' moods up, too. This starter also has a small second bedroom so it's suitable for a small starter family.
Both lots should be on the site by the middle of next week. They'll be available as a set or individually :-)
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