...what I really wanted to create was a Snapdragon shop where Sims could go and purchase these valuable flowers. Of course, this isn't possible to do because unless the snapdragons are set for sale, Sims visiting a lot can't buy them... and as they are not available in the catalogue, the only way set them for sale is to have a Sim buy a shop full of them and price them up. Still with me? I say all this nonchalantly as if I was fully aware of this but no - only through (failed) experimentation has it become blindingly obvious ;-)
So, instead, I offer you an OFB lot to purchase and (when it's finished) a starter home business version (under §20,000) of the same lot. The OFB lot is FULL of snapdragons - all tested and guaranteed to be of the pink vapour variety. Though if your lot-purchasing Sim does not yet have the skills to make these flowers, I do suggest you don't sell them all at once! You might like to replace some of them with more regular flowers and store the spares in your Sim's inventory. Here's a couple more pics:
The shop downstairs:
And upstairs:
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