Pesky Pirates...
Pirate Cove will be on the site tomorrow (Friday 3rd). Just a warning not to panic when you first play the lot! The first time you load it, most of the ship will appear to be under water (this actually looks quite cool, I might have to build another one like this!). Your Sims won't mind this at all and will happily wander around as if it were perfectly normal to be amphibious.
The second time you enter the lot, all will be normal and the landscape will have adjusted itself. I believe the problem is caused by my having built the lot on the coast in Bluewater Village where the sea-level is actually above land(!) You can see this from some of the photos of the lot where the backgound is varying shades of blue. So, either sit there and enjoy watching your Sims pootle about underwater or quickly enter the lot from the neighbourhood screen and come out again straight away (you don't even need to save it) before you take your Sims there. Either way, they won't drown - which is odd when you think how many of them meet their doom in a swimming pool...