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Tigerblue's Guestbook

EarthGoddess54Feb 3, 2007

Hi Tiger, thanks for the comment and the thanks AND the credit, I *really* appreciate it and am soo happy to see you expand on it. Needless to say your homes are gorgeous & I can't wait to get to downloading after a long haitus. \:\) Happy simming, have a great weekend! Hugs, Stace

engelsschreiFeb 2, 2007

Okay. Disregard my last comment, lol. I think it's a problem elsewhere in the game. I have no hacks, but the game just isn't working for me :-\ The game crashes in maxis houses too, so I'd have to assume it was one of the lots I downloaded at some point, although I didn't think I downloaded much more than yours... but we'll see. \:\) Thankyou for your wonderful help though \:\) and I adore your houses!!! \:rah\: \:wub\:

TeXaSrOsEFeb 2, 2007

Not a problem I got the lots to download and install just used winRar. Thanks for getting back to me but all is fine now, \:D .

cadivaFeb 1, 2007

Oooh Tiger, you've done it again, the Georgian starter homes are amazing and, most wonderfully for me, the Traditional Queen (that's you!), has proved a fabulous contemporary builder too. I'm absolutely loving the new Cube stuff \:\)

engelsschreiJan 31, 2007

Oooh, aren't you a sweetheart for getting back to me?! \:\) Thanks! Now, you're right, this could just be my issue, but I have no hacks in my game or anything like that. The game crashes the minute I hit the 'take job' button, and I've confirmed it does it for both computer and newspaper. When I downloaded these lots, I actually downloaded them seperately, so I might try a redownload, and do it twice (but that'll have to wait until I have the gracious company of broadband at my boyfriends, after all, what're boyfriends for? \:\) lol). I'll do that, and let you know how it goes, other than that... I'm confused, lol. Oh, and it was the Uni and OFB lot that was giving me problems. Thanks heaps \:\) \:wub\: \:rah\:

TJAJan 30, 2007

I just wanted to say that your lots are beautiful and I think I just filled up my jump drive by downloading every single one of them. Marvelous work!

eviJan 30, 2007

Thanks tiger for singed my blogs. I rarely have visitors there\:D Glad you liked my greek vases... you know I am very pround of these\:o

irina21Jan 29, 2007

love your " blue quoined townhouse"! amazing work, keep it up. I´m looking forward to "Cubes "

ShadowPlum3Jan 29, 2007

Those Cube Houses Are So Cool\:cool\:

coolsimzJan 28, 2007

Unique Houses! I love'em, TX!\:\)

Miyu-TenshiJan 28, 2007

Well, thank you so much Tiger for signing my gb! I loved your lot and thank you for creating it!! I hope your week is going good!! Have a wonderful day too!\:D \:P \:\)

virginiagirl98Jan 22, 2007

Lovely homes! I can't believe the detail and the layout! I am glad I found out about you today!

zmd439Jan 22, 2007

very nice houses\:rah\:

LadyMinionJan 21, 2007

Hi hun, thanks for commenting again. \:D Yes, I am rather chuffed with how successful the dorm has been. I really enjoyed making it too, it was one of those creations that you just feel really excited about because everything falls perfectly into place as you're going along. I'm sure you know the feeling. \:D You'll find there is a surprising amount of demand for high quality Uni lots, so I really hope you do find the time someday to share your own creations with us. Take care, \:\) ~Becky

LadyMinionJan 21, 2007

Hi sweetie, thank you so much for those lovely comments on my new dorms. I spent more time on this one than any other so far, so I'm really glad people are liking it. I see you haven't shared any Uni lots yet, perhaps someday you might like to give it a go. I'm sure they will be very well received. Sad to read about the storybook lots being delayed, I hope you're able to find a fix without too much trouble. \:\) Take care! \:D ~Becky

daman19942Jan 19, 2007

Hey Tigerblue, it's nice to see that you are making a lot of modern cube lots. I'm really liking the cube starter home (coming soon). I'm looking forward to downloading that. Hope to see more soon! Thanks

Mistress UselessJan 18, 2007

Hope you have a happy new year!

NanamouskouryJan 18, 2007

Hey there! First, you are very welcome! I always love the stuf you build! As for the big project, it is a neighborhood project entitled Corpus Noor, in which different characters from different books live together. We are still at the beginning of its building, due to some technical difficulties, but now that we know that Pets actually allow to be missing EP's and Stuff Packs, all was resolved and we can now proceed. It is not a project we are openly building in the forums, but we welcome all new participant that would want to join the build. You can find out more through www.geocities.com/corpusnoor (The site is still missing some stuff, but that will have to wait until the weekend \:wacko\: ) Anyway, I leave you back to your own sims! See ya around!

didi610Jan 13, 2007

Thanks!I wait for the answer of the skintone's creator,to get the permission to use it and after i will post Paris!\:D

didi610Jan 12, 2007

You're so talented!!

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