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VictoriaGrace's Guestbook

srgmls23Apr 17, 2009

\:D Olá (hi) Victoria Thank you for all your sweet comments you left im my work...:P  You made my day with those words...\:\)  (sorry my late reply) I hope you're having great day...hugs  Sergio

ShinoKCRApr 16, 2009

Hi! Thank you for your wonderful comment on the Baltimora Lightwoodrecolor. Glad you like it \;\) Actually it was allready published. But when I edited it with the smaller texturefiles it got kicked back in rejected for some reason. So I hope you dont have it twice now in your DL's. Huggles Renate

iZazuApr 13, 2009

Thanks for the nice comment you gave me about my lot, Pacific Coast Home! I am so glad you "played" the game. I just wish I would find time to actually play the game. I also looked at your lots. They are stunning!! You are a talented architect! And now I am off to take your survey! I think it is a very interesting one! Hope your Easter was a nice one! Linda\:wub\:

miller1220Apr 13, 2009

Hiya!!!!! I haven't spoken to you in a while, and sadly, I haven't looked at your creations in a while! \:\( Except for 5 secondz ago! \:D I just saw a comtemporary house of yours and it was amazing! I just uploaded my first upload...wait, no, it's in the LOOOOOONG process of being uploaded right now. It's a large lot, with lots of custom content...So go figure, it's taking forever. Anyway, I will tell you - if you like - when the lot has been uploaded and (hopefully!) approved, so that - if you want - you can check it out and possibly download it. I will also start to make another lot, if you're interested you can look at that one too. Just if you wanna know - it's gonna be a modern, Japanese urban home. I love that kind of home. \:D Well, anyway, i gotta go! I have to go on a your downloads page! \:P Hahaha! No, I'm serious. I'm going to download some of your lots RIGHT NOW. Byebye!!!! \:rah\: Keep up the SUPERCALAFRAGALISTICEXPEALADADOCIOUS work!!!!!! \:P \:rah\: \:wub\:

IllianaApr 12, 2009

Ah, my dear lady...I was so flattered to get such a wonderful group of compliments from you on the Calypsis and Crystal Lotus lots!  \:o Of course whenever I see your name I get excited! LOL! \:wub\: Thank you, Victoria. Your lots are beautiful, but they in NO way compare to the creator! (((Hugs!))) - Tammy

maxi kingApr 11, 2009

\:wub\:Thank you!I'm happy you like my country!Have a lovely time!\:wub\:

mariluApr 11, 2009

Bunny rabbits, painted eggs and sunshine ... it's Easter time! Wish you happy days. \:\)

maxi kingApr 11, 2009

\:wub\:Hi!Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my house!It means a lot to me hearing that from you!Have a nice Easter!\:wub\:

hatshepsutApr 10, 2009

Hi Victoria, just wanted to say a huge thank you for your wonderful comments Belvedere Boulevard and Obsidian Way.  I'm really flattered that you like them.\:wub\: I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with next, I always look out for your lots, they're so well thought out and put together.\:D

iZazuApr 10, 2009

I want to thank you for commenting on my lot, Pacific Coast Home! I really appreciate it. Hope you enjoy it in the game and have a nice upcoming weekend! Linda\:wub\:

IllianaApr 4, 2009

Lovely Victoria - I can completely understand your need to laugh when hearing of my bout with the cat and the ladder. \:P Once I was feeling better, I found it pretty humorous myself! LOL! Not to worry...she's out of trouble. (She's too cute to stay mad at for long. LOL!) And I am feeling much better. \:D Still a little stiff and sore, but otherwise able to at least dodge my graceless little angel. \;\) Thanks for the sympathy...and for your wonderful words about/to me in so many places here. Although I do not always comment on them (since by the time I get to read them the subject has usually changed, and I don't want to hijack it) I ALWAYS read them, and they ALWAYS make me feel like I did something right! Thank you, Victoria. You truly are a lady! Love and hugs! - Tammy

spitzmagicApr 3, 2009

LOL!! Thank you for letting me know that. I didn't even look at the date \:o I feel so silly  \:wacko\: LOL  I can d/l the set now and don't have to wait. Boy, that will teach me to look at the date too.  LOL! I get so wraped up in all the beautiful stuff \:wub\: -Barbara

mutskeMar 30, 2009

Thank you for your nice comment on my latest set the Maxis Plants Add-ons. Some new plants are growing already!!!!!

cadivaMar 27, 2009

Ah Victoria you're such a sweetheart, thank you for the birthday wishes and you're more than welcome for the comment on your lot, it's beautiful.

maxi kingMar 27, 2009

\:wub\:Thank you very much for your lovely comment on my pic!Have a nice weekend!\:wub\:

wideopeneyesMar 21, 2009

Hi Victoria, I'm so glad you like the window sets! There are more to come in this collection as I am trying to give builders as much flexibility and choices as possible. And anything I preview in my blog or Projects gallery will always be uploaded here for sure! \:\)

IllianaMar 19, 2009

Hello there you amazing lady, you! Miss Victoria...I cannot begin to tell you how incredible it was to get such a sweet comment from you on the Mardigrew Manor lot! \:wub\: \:o It took me a minute to realize what you meant about the garage, and then I laughed SO hard! \:P LOL! Yup...base game - NO cars or driveways. \;\) But you couldn't let a little thing like that stop you, right? ROFL! Sorry...I thought that was so cute! It was also a HUGE compliment, really. I am glad the garage was so convincing. How is it you always find a way to make me smile? I truly believe that you are an angel! Thank you, Victoria...for everything! (((Hugs!))) - Illiana

ILikeMusic640Mar 5, 2009

Hey thanks for the warm welcome in my guestbook!  Have an awesome day!  Claire

b-bettinaMar 4, 2009

Hello! \:D Thanks for the warm welcome! \:wub\: I'm happy to become part of the family! \;\) Hugs, Bettina \:\)

BBKZFeb 27, 2009

Hello \:D I'd like to thank you for your wonderful comment on my Gallery. Well... You're right. I don't have any wrinkles \;\) I'm 26 but I'm still looking like 18 year old girl \;\) Sometimes I can't buy a beer, because they don't believe I'm an adult, hahahaha \:D I hope you're having nice day! Hugs, Barb

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