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Wimmie's Guestbook

pizazzFeb 14, 2014

Hiya Gaby! thank you so much for your congrats on SA. HUGS! I was so happy when I seen the invite! thanks so much!! \:wub\:

gabi89Feb 13, 2014

Hi, thank you so much for lovely comment, i wish you happy V-day \:wub\:

trin303Feb 13, 2014

Thanks so much, I am so thrilled I just can't tell you! The SA artists on this site are so talented and dedicated, it's an honor to be included among them. PS - I see you've finished your subway, it looks awesome (I knew it would!)! - trin. \:\)

Demented DesignsFeb 13, 2014

Thank you very much lady! I will try my best to be more reliable this time. I did explain that I am still working on our home, but nothing as extensive as the last couple of years. Our home was literally a dollhouse in 10-12' segments. Thankfully the exterior walls are complete and the siding and roof are done now. \:\)

EsyraMFeb 13, 2014

Hello\:wub\:, thank you very much for your lovely comment, you make me very happy, I wish you a great day\:\)

matomibotakiFeb 13, 2014

PoleFenceSet - Freue mich das dir meine Idee gefallen hat. Brauchte das - PoleFenceSet - fuer eine Treppe und immer ein Gelaender nutzen ist langweilig! Hab noch eine schoene restliche Woche. LG\:wub\:

PrincessJoJo69Feb 13, 2014

\:wub\: Dearest Gaby, I just adore your creations they are fantastic, how do I add makeover and jewlerry to my sims 3 everything else downloads finds , would you know what I am doing incorrect much hugs jojo \:wub\:

pizazzFeb 12, 2014

Hi Gaby hun, thank you for your nice comments. HUGS! have a fab day!

chemyFeb 11, 2014

Gaby....I love the comment you wrote on Modern Amour, very sweet of you....thank you so much!!! Happy Valentines to you \:\) ((hugs))

PralinesimsFeb 11, 2014

((Thank you so much !!)) Have a suuuper awesome week!!! KISSES!! ♥

Lily-chanFeb 10, 2014

Hiya~ Thank you so much for your wonderful comment on '1055 Sub Avenue'! I'm truly happy that you liked it! :3 Have a wonderful week! \:wub\:

Margeh-75Feb 10, 2014

thank you so much for the lovely comment on my creation! it really means a lot to me \:\) \:wub\:

matomibotakiFeb 10, 2014

HallwayLove - Danke fuer die netten Worte! Manchmal fehlt so ein Teil und es freut mich, wenn es andere auch gebrauchen koennen. LG und eine schoene Woche!\:wub\:

matomibotakiFeb 9, 2014

The_Jade_Shrine - Vielen Dank!!! Freue mich immer sehr ueber deine netten Kommentare!!! Noch einen schoenen Sonntag und eine ebensolche Woche. Meinem nicht mehr vorhandenem Zahn, geht es auch wieder besser. Ein Glueck!!! LG\:wub\:

trin303Feb 9, 2014

Hi Wimmie - oh dear, I just threw that subway together one day awhile ago so I'd have a "generic" one for some of the custom worlds that I play, then I thought - hey, I'll just publish it! So please do your subway too!! Besides, I might like yours better!!

PralinesimsFeb 7, 2014

Hi!! ♥ Thank you so much for commenting!!!! ♥ Big Huggggggsss!!! ♥

pizazzFeb 7, 2014

Hiya Gaby hun, thank you so much for your nice comment!! It means a lot. Have a great day! hugs!!

chemyFeb 6, 2014

Gaby my dear....thanks so much for your lovely comment on my paintings!!! Hope you enjoy your weekend....stay warm \:\) ((hugs))

matomibotakiFeb 6, 2014

HighHeelsAppeal - Danke dir fuers Kommentieren! Freue mich das es dir gefaellt. LG matomi\:wub\:

GuardgianFeb 4, 2014

Your lovely comment on Silver Lake made me so happy dear friend \:\)Thank you tons and have a nice day \:wub\:

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