Coming up - default replacements
A new kind of creations from me - default replacements. They are not really new to me, I've been playing with them for the last couple of months, even posted some at MTS2. But they are new to TSR. Some people call them hacks, I guess they should be classified as hacks just to be on the safe side. But I prefer to call them "defalut replacements", since they don't really affect the game or change any behavior of the sims, which makes them quite harmless. If you downloaded my Baby Diapers, then you already using one of my default replacements . Now its time for some more. The next one to come out is Kids Pjs Fix, it changes the shape of default kids puffy pajamas into a better looking (I think) straight pants and longer sleeves. Followed by OFB Flowers Shadow Fix, that replaces those really dark shadows of crafted flowers from Open For Business with more natural light shadows. Expect even more in the future if all goes well
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