Windkeeper's Blog
Update - plastic garden
Some minor changes to plastic shrubs and hedges - I removed the "View" option from them. Now sims will no longer gaze at them dreamily as if they were statues. Made the same change to two terracotta pots. You can re-download all the updated files from this page.Comming soon - bunny ears!

Easy flowers - update
The Easy Flowers will require Open For Business expansion pack. Maxis has changed some internal coding with the release of Nightlife, the flowers will not work with anything less than NL. But to be safe I will mark them as OFB required. For those without that expansion pack I will release the new flowers I made in a base game format. They will require gardening but still look as pretty as the ones for OFB
Work in progress - easy flowers
I'm making a replacement for my plastic flowers, the new kind of flowers that doesn't require gardening but this time they will come with butterflies. There will be Maxis default flowers (daisies, poppies, etc) plus new flowers like the ones in the picture.
Coming soon - HM doors
Another set to go with Maxis full wall windows - matching solid and glass doors. Thanks to LilyWhyte for the idea of solid doors. The glass doors only slightly different from Maxis original OFB doors - I removed metal parts from the glass and made the door handle smaller. Matching blinds are also complete and waiting to be published. I made 1-tile and 2-tile wide blinds, decided that 3-tile wide would be too much work and little use.
Work in progress - OFB matching windows
I think Maxis didn't do a thorough job on a new set of full wall size windows in OFB. As that design is quite familiar to me, I'm working on expanding the set with matching short windows and also 2-tile windows. Will include some bright-less recolors as well. My next project would be fitting the blinds into these windows as well. I even have a name for a new set - Helios Maxis

Update - ID conflict
Thanks to Treowe for alerting me, one of Dincer's objects, dh-biedermeier-endtable, is conflicting with one of my Lafenetre windows, 2-tile halfround diagonal. This happens, though my ID range is registered and not random generated. I've changed the IDs for both straight and diagonal version of that window, you can download them from this page. This will allow you to use both Dincer's table and my windows in your game.Update - quick fix towels
I forgot to disable the diagonal function of quick fix towels. If you try to place them on diagonal wall, they would convert into a diagonal curtain. The files are now fixed, you can download them again from this page.Work in progress - recolorable plastic hedges
With the release of the new SimPe I was able to recreate my plastic hedges to make them recolorable. Will publish the new set in a few days. The set will have improved meshes, additional recolors and also plastic ivy. The hedge meshes will overwrite the ones I published before.

Coming soon - Victorian hair
I just completed a new hair mesh, a simple Victorian inspired hair for women all ages. Personally, I do like meshes that work for all ages, so I tried to make my own hair the same way. The set will be published during theme week.