Beating the brows....(to death?)
Hey everyone, I know its been forever since I have made an entry, but as I think I have mentioned before, (in my forum thread) I'm not very good at this. I always find it hard to believe that anyone would have any interest in anything I have to say.
Anyway, been a terribly busy few months, lots of things to deal with, family and otherwise, so I have been really struggling to keep up with my normal pace. I think I have managed okay, and am getting back into the swing of things for the most part.
I have a new free set starting the 20th of February, my Kitten hair retexture on that adorable mesh by Marko. (you'll be seeing more of my retextures of his great meshes in the coming months) I'd like to apologize for not keeping on the ball with the free sets, its something that I always intend to do, and in trying not to fall behind with everything else, it gets left on the side. I hope to keep that from becoming a habit, as Its one of my favorite things to do, picking what gets to be free next.
Anyway onto the (main) subject of this mesh. Brows. Just finished uploading a huge set of eyebrows, thirty-six in all, 9 sets. These are always so much fun for me to do. I love eyebrows, I love painting them, I love the way they frame the face, the way they can entirely change the appearance of a sim, and of course, the way they express emotion. I especially like the unkempt sort of brow, with stray hairs, and not perfectly in place. There are SO many of those out there, and I just like the idea of adding something a little more unique to the mix. I'm a little worried I've reached my limit, (hence the title of this entry) so if you would love to see more brows, or would rather me focus on other things, please don't hesitate to let me have it in the comments, or in my forum thread. I may just spend the rest of my life drawing eyebrows otherwise. :p