Homme Boys...:p
Hi folks!
Happy Valentines day, (1 day late) I hope everyone had a romantic something-or-other planned. And if not, I hope you chuckled heartily at all those lovesick saps. Hehe
Anyway, as you can see, those mens t-shirt outfits were released yesterday. I hope it will be the first in a number of non-female releases from me. I would like to do some teen clothes, and especially some elder clothes. Please feel free to PM me with ideas and suggestions. I wont be making any promises, but I could use some inspiration.
I see that the results of my poll are leaning heavily toward hair retextures, and I have quite a few in mind. I'll be working on that next, and then I will dip back into an ongoing project of mine that is a resurrection of a popular project I did for Sims 1. Retro Fashion through the 20th century. Starting in the 20's and working my way through to the 70's. I'm especially excited about that, and If all goes well, It could be a great deal of fun.