Holy Simoly Recolors
Hey everyone! Been an eventful month or so in my personal life, so I have not been as on the ball as I would like with my updates. I hope to remedy that soon, though, starting with some recolors of Holy Simoly's Amarante set. By a mile, it is my favorite set of couches ever, and I could probably spend the rest of my "sim" life recoloring them. :P I hope you will enjoy them, and I also hope you will take a look at their site -
http://www.holysimoly.com/index.cfm?go=home.welcome - which is simply THE BEST free site on the web, period. You wont find better free objects with more amazing textures anywhere else in the Sims community, and their donation packs are the very definition of value for the money. Now that I'm done pimping them out, I'll fill you in on my plans for the next month or so. If you arent already sick of hearing about those skintones, they should be available in one way or another within the next few weeks. I have some more curtains textures for Simtomatics voile panel curtain mesh in the works, and also some mens jeans and T-shirts ready for upload. After that, I would like to get back into female finery in some form or another.But I would like to hear from you about where you would like me to focus my attentions next. Maybe you could help me out with that? Take part in my poll if you would, so I can determine what to work on next. Thanks for your time folks!!