XxNikkibooxX (3007237)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (46 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (124 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Skull Button Up Teen
Published Jul 5, 2014
About Me
Hi there! I'm Nikki.
I create clothing for The Sims 3 and The Sims 4. I am a huge Legend of Zelda fan so don't be surprised if you see it in my clothing.
I hope you enjoy my creations!
For updates of what I am working on and more downloads, follow me!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xxnikkibooxx?ref=hl
Tumblr: http://nikkiboosims.tumblr.com/
My Latest Updates Show All
Hair for The Sims 4Written Mar 22, 2015
Hi everyone! I have been noticing that a lot people have been leaving comments asking where I get my hair for my S4 creations. I haven't been posting the link to the hair in my notes section for this game, mainly because I get all of the hair I use for my models on TSR! And if you can't find it here on this site well then...I don't really remember where I got it, sooo I'm sorry about that... ...More
Wooo! One Million DownloadsWritten Aug 14, 2013
I know I'm actually a little late on making this post, but my other computer wouldn't let me for some reason! o.o But hooray for finally hitting one million! Thank all of you for your wonderful comments and entries for this would not have been possible without you guys! You're awesome! Now let's hit two million! :P I hope you continue to enjoy my creations! -Nikki ...More
Just want to say thank you!Written May 12, 2013
To the people who leave me such nice guestbook entries and supportive comments! It really means a lot to me and it's reading those comments that keeps me creating! c: I will always try to do requests but if I can't create it please forgive me, I'm still experimenting with everything and I don't really know how to create new meshes yet.... But I hope you continue to enjoy my creations!!... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
PuresimMar 02, 2024
Hey Nikki! Long time no see ! I hope you are doing well
PuresimAug 06, 2021
Nikkiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Thanks for commenting ! Hope you are doing well sweety, miss you too! Im on Discord with you want to chat
NightmareSilhouetteApr 30, 2021
I absolutely love your work!