Without Sims game for about six months... T_T
Hello everybody !
I just wanted to tell you I'll be without my sims games for about six months. I uninstalled them yesterday from my brother's computer, so I just had time to prepare two more patterns for you that will be released in September.
For a brief explanation of the Why- no-Sims game for about six months :
I'm moving out of my brother's flat that I squat for a while now (*giggles*). I found a new flat but it's in Paris and I'm moving tomorrow. I take back my old job in Paris - that I resign from it one year ago, Yeah ! \^_^/
So I'll be always around looking at your creations, pictures, and drooling over Seasons new EP. I won't be able to create patterns and play sims game on my basic laptop.... u_u
I must wait to buy my own computer (€_€) so it might take a while to gather money for that and I'd need more space as I'm gonna rent for the moment a tiny flat (about 20m²) no space for a desk as I have a lot of things (hey I'm a girl and my things are absolute necessities ! lol).
I'm also planning to buy a flat near Paris in six months, so yeah life is gonna get busy for quite some time.
I hope you won't be disappointed by this new ! lol
PS: But be sure I'll be back and I'll be sure to let you know !
PSS: I'll miss doing patterns ! T_T