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aikea_guinea's Guestbook

gothbunnieSep 18, 2007

Love your creations; thanks for sharing them with all of us.

kittycat38Sep 17, 2007

Hi,your stuff is the GREATEST also yourself\:D Thank you so much for upload and spent your time. You have my sim world very inspired, I hope you dont lost the interest for the simming\:puke\: , because a lot of your fans want missed out your cool clothes and updates\:P Ps: Please excuse my uncorrect english, but I m from Germany and the english, that we here learnt, is not the same as in reality\:o Have a great day and a lot of good inspirations, Sandra\:P

blossombob7Sep 17, 2007

hey I loooove Cruxshaodws!! \:wub\: \:wub\: Favorite band ever!!!! \:wub\: and yes I went this year it was my 3rd one too! do you like voltaire?

rythmgitrSep 16, 2007

Hee hee... \:D I'm glad you like those lipsticks. I tried hard. \:P lol. I like your new profile scheme. Very cool. I swear your like a friggin sim god. \:P Cool new stripey shirts also. I'm working on a goth Hello Kitty shirt that goes with your pants. Hello Kitty rocks. Whoot whoot!!! -Sheyza

padreSep 15, 2007

Ms. Aikea Guinea... this goes without saying, really: You're a complete STAR! And looking at your guestbook, I aint alone in this sentiment! You rock my world to the core!! Keep on-a-shinin! Px

sgandraSep 15, 2007

My sim males would be very sad without your creations \:P Thank you so much for all! You are great \:D

ulkerSep 13, 2007

Hi Aikea! I love all your stuff but your accessories are my favorites. So it's more than great to hear such a talented creator LOVEs my accessory set\:wub\: Oh thanks so much your comment was so good for my ego\:o Have a wonderful day\:rah\:

Bubnova13Sep 12, 2007

your stuff is simply awesome, and your gothic male sims are unbeleivably hot \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: hope to earn some kudos to download them someday \:rah\:

JLoungeSep 12, 2007

Amazing, that's what I say about your stuff! Go on like that and goon making stories because they're very good!\:rah\:

KalicoKatSep 10, 2007

I've always loved your creations, but I never knew that you wrote too until recently (when a friend of mine had told me about Deception Pass and had sent a link to me recently). Not only are you a fantastic creator, but you're extremely talented as a story-writer. \:rah\: Keep up the great work, and I look forward to reading more about Emily, Mary and the others when I get some free time. \:rah\:

BeOSBoxBoySep 8, 2007

Aikea, thank you for welcoming me into the FA family! It is a great thing to be apart of, I am still getting my legs under me so to say, but as soon as I think I am ready, I will be wanting to colaborate with you on a way to take over the world... erm \:confused\: well, scratch that, forget I said that... note to self: never discuss world domination plans before the second cup of coffee. Maybe I should just give everyone cookies and say it's nap time? \:D

SpriingSep 7, 2007

do you use some kind of a photoshop? how do you get your photos so clear ?\:eek\: \:D

irishgurl88Sep 6, 2007

Your clothes are amazing!\:D

shiwinSep 4, 2007

Awesome creations, thanks for sharing them with us! \:P

dark_jeanSep 1, 2007

Lovely male clothes!!!!! I am very choosy about my male sim fashion....But I love all of your clothes!!!!! Thansk for sharing them!!!!! Now, my male sims can go out on the community lot with heads high!!!!!!!!\:D

ticticc13Aug 30, 2007

\:ph34r\: Me again, I just wanted to drop by and say thanks again for the comment on my screencap. ^_______^ Also to say that I love your newest necklace for the gals! My babies are happier jumping around for more accessories. \:D Thank you again for all your beautiful works. Hope you have a great time and see you around. \:D

rythmgitrAug 30, 2007

I have like, murdered the internet looking for some peircings to put on my self sim. I saw the ones you made and it was like "whoa". I want to seriously thank you for making those things. I'm going to change my self sim with those peircings and change my avatar and stuff again. Also, I just submitted an Element recolor of your bootcut mesh. I love that mesh. The pants fit on the boots just the right way. Not to mention your outfits themselves are way cool. Tremendously detailed. Thanx for your hard work. And a big thanks for the peircings. I have 11 holes in my head not including my mouth and eye sockets, so the peircings will sure do my self sim justice. -Sheyza

ticticc13Aug 15, 2007

\:wub\: Hello, I just wanted to say thanks for the sweet comment you left in my GB. Coming from you, it's a great compliment! Aprreciate it so much. ^_^ Your screens always inspire me and your creations are my top favs. Thanks again and will see how my boys would look with your new upload. Hugs ~Tic \:rah\:

Slug 15Aug 14, 2007

Nice Going dude, love the Items ^^\:wub\:

azuljedi110Aug 14, 2007

Thank you for commenting on my screenshot. \:\) I enjoy your creations and your screenshots greatly, so a comment from you is quite encouraging. \:D

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