ali-p (2019035)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (27 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Pink ribbon ball gown
Published Aug 9, 2012
About Me
Hey guys,
I'm Alisha I'm now 18 and have been a member of Sims Resource for four years and I have been creating clothes on and off for two years. I have finished just finished school. My passion is creativity I love art, photography and marketing, which is why I am going to university to study advertisement and marketing. I have had huge breaks from making clothes because of school demands so have never had a chance to contribute much but I am in the process of making more clothes which I hope you all like!!
Thank you for your feedback, It's lovely to hear it!! xxxxx
My Guestbook Show All
Snoopy21979Feb 11, 2012
Your outfits look so spectacular! Fantasic job! I look forward to downloading and seeing more of your wonderful creations. Thanks so much for sharing those! Happy Valentine's Day!
atlidsonNov 05, 2010
Thanks a lot Ali !
Lie76Aug 11, 2010
Hi! ali I like your work.Thanks for making and sharing your work. Hug lie