Anjubee (541651)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (4 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Tudor Family Starter
Published Aug 28, 2009
About Me
Hi! Thank you for visiting my profile. Here is a little information about me. I have been playing the sims since it's original release. My favorite aspect about the game has always been the building and decorating. However, I have never shared my work or participated much in the community for the first 2 Sims. With TS3, I am hoping to be more active in the online communities and share my work through various channels. Please note that while I love building, I tend to concentrate and "specialize" in interior decor. So when you view my lots, I hope you take a look at the interior screenshots as I do spend time on every single little detail to make sure everything looks good.
All the lots I have made so far can be downloaded from the exchange. I hope to upload more of them here on TSR eventually. If you would like to take a closer look at my builds, please visit my simblog at
Also, I am currently quite active in 2 sim groups. I am a proud member of both Builders' Boulevard and SimInterior Designs. For more information on these 2 groups, please visit and
Happy simming and I hope you enjoy my creations!