apoetscorner (3001418)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (10 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Minerva McGonagall
Published Aug 22, 2011
About Me
I journey throughout life, searching for wisdom. I hear sayings from celebrated figures, who say what always remains true. Kahlil Gibran said, "Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit." Gibran's words concerning love are my feelings on life and love exactly. A life without love would be a life without music, for when I am embraced in a person's deepest affections; I can hear an orchestra playing. Perhaps, love is the answer to all truths and the true value of life itself.
Through love, I breathe and I live. If love was washed away from existence, I would rather see my end. My days are brightened by the humility of lovers who are good friends and I am submersed in a world that is the closest ideal of happiness (Too much Emerson today). Happiness and love are relatives that cannot subsist without the other; true happiness lives when it is kissed by a lover.
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Possible Upcoming ItemsWritten Aug 15, 2011
Hopefully all will be approved and you can enjoy my creations within a week's time :). ...More
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mindbruisesOct 26, 2013
What I mean is, do I have to install their clothes and hair? Because I don't know how to do that, you created them haha
mindbruisesOct 26, 2013
Hey I've downloaded every character you made ha but I was wondering why don't they appear with the clothes and the hair you put them? Is it because I don't have them installed? I've still not installed your characters but it happened to me with other I downloaded so please tell me hah or is it another way to use downloaded sims apart from 'creating' them and selecting them from the box in create a sim?
Thank you
17cocodanSep 01, 2013
amazing harry potter work .. thank you so much ^ ^