ataylor69 (1944831)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (108 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Skateboard Logo Tees
Published Mar 10, 2010
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (15 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Modern Simplicity
Published Jun 10, 2009
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
HI! Welcome to my minisite and thanks for stopping by. I was just starting to learn how to recolor clothes and build houses and getting comfortable with downloading them to the site for Sims 2. Now that Sims 3 is out I LOVE it! I have only downloaded a few houses for Sims 3 but I have learned to create paintings and really enjoy making them. I have recently started using the Create a Pattern tool and I am having lots of fun with it! I hope you enjoy my creations
My Latest Updates Show All
Search for the Next FahionistaWritten Oct 15, 2011
I currently have a sim in this competition. This is so fun and exciting! Please go to this link and vote for her: Katherine Harrison. Here is the link to vote: Thank you!!!! ...More
BuildingWritten Sep 14, 2010
I had started a house I really was enjoying building and couldn't wait to get on TSR. I was also using CC that wasn't subsriber only so everyone could download it. Well, I started building another house for a contest I was in and I liked that house so much better, I decided I wanted to finish that and submit it first! LOL So, with a little tweaking here and there (the contest had a money... ...More
SebulonWritten Sep 05, 2010
I didn't realize that by using subscriber only CC that my house would only be available to subscribers. I thought that those CC items would revert to base game items. Live and learn! So, my houses from now on will be base game content only! Working on another one and some other patterns in the mean time :) ...More
My Guestbook Show All
BelindiaNov 19, 2012
I know this may be annoying, but I need help, it's about a hairstyle on the sims 3 store. The hairstyle is called "Bountiful Beret", I like the hairstyle, but whitout the beret. Could you make a new wersion of it whitout the beret? Or it would help alot too if you would know anyone that could. The creation would be awesome if it came as a sims3pack, not something that you need the Mods and package files to.
Hope you reply!
simsjeanieJan 02, 2012
Dear ataylor, Though I am late, I hope
you had a great Christmas Time and a wonderful start into the New Year!
My own wish for the New Year
was to visit
TSR and all the nice people here again and so here I am, leaving some late x-mas cookies on your
doorstep for you to enjoy! Hugs from Jeanie!
ayla96Oct 31, 2011
No Problem