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cazarupt's Blog


Hi Everyone!


I've decided to retive from my position as SA. I havn't really got the time any more and have really lost interest. Please continue to enjoy all of my creations even while I am no longer here! I am still finishing a world at the moment though, so that should be along some time ;)


Thanks for all of your support in the year or so that I've been here :)



Exams Time

Over the next few weeks I have several exams at school. I need lots of time to study so won't be creating for a few weeks :)


New Tutorial, New Lots, New Meshes!

As I am sure you can see - I've been very busy recently! A new tutorial is now available on Boat Building for those of you who have ever wanted to learn. I've made another stylish mesh set - this time a dining set, plus 2 more lots are available: The Marlin and Woodpecker Residence. More to come soon, although I'm not quite sure what.






As you may have noticed - I have finally learned to mesh! My tropical decor set and smeg fridge are already uploaded. Next in line is the ModoModo kitchen!

This will be a 6 piece set - the two counters and stove you see here, plus sink, matching bar counter, barstool. It's already half done! :D


A New, Magical Place...

Well, if you have been reading my blog I'm sure you'll have heard of my Create a World project; Far Far Away. Well, it is now at the stage where I actually have something to show you! I have finished sculpting the majority of the world, including the main town area.

And there it is! The blue squares you can see are residential lots, the yellow ones are community lots. I haven't got round to building yet; world creating takes a very long time. Eventually, the hill will be scattered with luxurious gated mansions, while there will be cheaper houses downtown. I've got plans for a few especially beautiful ones overlooking the park!

The downtown area will host most of the rabbit holes and normal community lots; The Shops, Library, Art Gallery etc. The Military Base and Science lab will be located above the town behind the hill, hidden away from the beauty and glamour of Far Far Away.

Another area of the map will be the smaller Village, with medievil style homes (like the ones in Veronaville for Sims 2). This is where Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and Goldilocks all live.

But what would a magical kindom be without a few evil Witches and Wizards? The other side of the kingdom, across the river, hides a darker past...

Tell me what you all think of the layout so far! :D


Apology for my Absence

Hello All,

You may have noticed that I have not been creating much recently. This is for several reasons. Firstly, I have several important exams at the moment, so I am busy studying for them at the moment. They will be over in a few weeks though. Secondly, I have been working on a new World with the Create-A-World tool, and as I'm sure you can guess that takes a lot of time. It should be worth it when complete though! That however, is a long way off! :D


World Adventures and New Lots

It's been a while since I've posted anything. So I'm going to talk to you about World Adventures and new lots from me.

Lots created with World Adventures can be used with the base game only. Any World Adventures items (objects, build features, roof patterns etc) will be replaced with base game items, just like when you download a lot with store items. However, you will need to have the latest patch installed with your base game, otherwise you will not be able to install the lot at all.

If I don't use a specific World Adventures theme in my lot, or if the items arn't necessery for the lot to function and look good, I'll try to keep at least some of my new lots Base Game Only.

At the moment, I'm working on a bit of preperation for the release of the World Builder (released in december). This'll let us create entire new neigbourhoods, and I've already got detailed plans for what I'm going to create. I am also working on a working tomb and Nectary for your residential neigbourhoods (not vacation destinations) so your sims can have all the exploring fun even when at home.



Chic Tiles Revisited

After a good idea and request from keedyboo18, I decided to create another set of tiles, this time in marble. They are the exact same shape and style as the original Chic Tiles, only changed to be marble instead of plain stone.

There are 4 pieces in the set: Large Square, Large Rectangle, Medium Square and Medium Rectangle. They are great to mix and match together to create interesting looks!

They are being published tomorrow!


The Glass House

Here is my latest creation, The Glass House. It's a gorgeous open plan living mansion, ideal for partying (my sims have enjoyed testing it!). There is an open plan living space downstairs with a bar, and lots of nice sofas and well stocked bookshelves in the lounge next door. 3 En-suite Bedrooms, plus an adittional one which I left unfirnished so you can taylor it to your needs.

In accordance with my last poll about Floor Plans I have now gone with what you said  which is that you do like floorplans in your lot previews ((77% of you said this). I am going to now include floorplans with all lots I upload.

You can take a look at The Glass House now or grab it for download soon - it's published next saturday!


Have a nice week everyone :)


The Sealuxe: Livable Yacht

I'm very proud of my latest creation :)

It's a fully liveable boat/yacht. Including 3 en-suite cabins, a bathroom, lounge, galley (kitchen) & flybridge deck.

Your sims can party on the Flybridge deck with it's bar & sofas. Downstairs, they can study in the den.

The lot includes 3 En-Suite Cabins, A Den/Study Space, Galley (kitchen), Lounge w. Dining Area, Flybridge Deck with Bar and also a back deck with a dining table & seating.

There is also (onshore!) parking for two cars.

I hope you all enjoy it when it is published on this coming Saturday the 31st, or click on the image to take a peek now. Please, leave a comment and tell me what you think!





Latest Headlines

Retirement Exams Time New Tutorial, New Lots, New Meshes! Meshing! A New, Magical Place... Apology for my Absence World Adventures and New Lots Chic Tiles Revisited The Glass House The Sealuxe: Livable Yacht
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