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cemre's Guestbook

NewtlcoSep 26, 2009

Yorumunuz icin tesekkur ederim \:P Gorusmek uzere \;\)

MinraedSep 26, 2009

Cemre! You continue to be my favourite creator for Sims3. Your work is truely outstanding. I have become so inspired and enamoured of your work that it is because of you that I will subscribe. I cannot resist your subscription only items and I'd be more than happy to pay for such outstanding work in support of your ongoing additions. Thank you.

fortunecookie1Sep 26, 2009

Cemre, thank you so very much for your comments!  I am really excited to become a SA and it meant alot to get your message of congratulations! -Tori  \:D

paramitiSep 25, 2009

i do not think i came to congratulate you on becoming FA..have been busy and my mind is full.so i get confused..so if i did you will get two...and i want to say..i envy your artistic talent..you create the most Beautiful artistic downloads for our game and some of your creations literally Blow my mind!!! i have a lot of respect for you..and you know i am Very Grateful to you..Congratulations on FA!! and always ..Thank You!!! \:wub\: paramiti~

shakeshaftSep 25, 2009

Hi Cemre, thank you for your congrats..\:D Andrea

sandrinhaSep 25, 2009

Cemre, thank you so much for your compliments! Congratulations to you too, for becoming FA! Well deserved! Hugs, Sandra\:wub\:

mensureSep 25, 2009

Merhaba Cemre, \:wub\: Thank you so much for the congratulations and I congrat  to you for becoming FA!\:wub\: happy simming! \:wub\:

Lisa 86Sep 25, 2009

thank you for your congratulations! \:\)

miraminkovaSep 25, 2009

Hi \:\) Thank you! Have a great day! Mira

FlinnSep 25, 2009

Heh, me and Simona go around thanking the same congratulators \:D Thank you so much Cemre \:\)

SimonkaSep 25, 2009

Hey, Cemre, thank you so much for your congrats. \:wub\: Simona

BILLABONG_Sep 25, 2009

hey, thanks a lot for your entry in my GB1 iT MEANS A LOT FOR ME cause you´re work is brilliant :-) I love your objects and sets! I never could do something like this in my whole life... I´m just missing some more streetwear female clothes like some more hooded jackets or something else maybe you could work out yomething like it? I cannot see more dresses or skirt outfits.. Maybe because of I´m more like some of this skaters and snowboarders and my style isn´t in this overdressed dressy way ^^ so on... I love your work! move on and have a nice day! Billa :-)

openhousejackSep 25, 2009

you should play it too just don't get addicted like me, cannot get off my chair hahahahah

SugarSep 25, 2009

Hi Cemre It would be great if you would consider doing some an object set for farms! Thank you Sugar x

PenelopeTSep 25, 2009

Just stopped by to say thanks again for creating some unique things for the game. By, the way your garden set looks terrific in-game. Love the lawnmower....it's just so cute. Well take care, and I look forward to seeing and downloading whatever you come up with next. \:\) ~ Pene

traceyhauckSep 25, 2009

I love your work. You are doing a great job. Cant wait to see more

stori_64Sep 25, 2009

OH, you have 'modeling' sims? \:o Oooh I wanna seeeee \:D

stori_64Sep 25, 2009


simal10Sep 24, 2009

Selammm Cemre!!! Şehir dışındaydm, yeni okudum FA oldugunu, cok cok tebrik ederim!!! \:\) dememismiydim olursun diye \;\) Cok tebrikler yeniden kendine cok iyi bak!! Gorusmek uzere!

heatzSep 24, 2009

Hi Cemre, Just wanted to thank you for all your wonderful creations. They are beautiful and inspiring. Thanks.

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