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cemre's Guestbook

QuietOct 24, 2009

I love your stuff. Especially the gardening pack. I just wish It was for free members. Lols. XD One dayy, I will get it.

easysimsOct 22, 2009

Hi,thaks for your kind congratulations!\:D i'm so happy to be a SA.\:wub\: I love all your creations!

QubeDesignOct 21, 2009

Hi Cemre, thank you very much for your nice note of congratulations.  I am a huge fan of your work, and it means a lot to me.

Blind.Oct 21, 2009

Her tasarımınız birbirinden harika olmuş. Başarılarınızın devamını dilerim.                                                                                      ~Zehra

SimsimayOct 19, 2009

 Guestbook sorunu yasiyordum. Cözüldü .Ancak tesekkür edebildim. Cok tesekkür ederim. Sevgiler, Simay \:wub\:

BrandonTROct 18, 2009

Güzel Yorumun İçin Çok Teşekkür Ederim \:\) Hafta İçleri Okul Sebebiyle PC de Olamıyorum. Hafta Sonları da Anca Bu Kadar Oluyor. Her hafta 1 Ev Yayınlayayım Diyordum Ama Artık 2 Olsa Daha İyi Olur Diye Düşünmee Başladım \:D Yaptığım Evler Genelde 1000 küsürden fazla iniyor.. Tabi Umarım Bu Sayı Sizin Eşyaların Evlerime Getirdiği Yeni Havayla Daha da Artacaktır \:\)

BrandonTROct 18, 2009

Cemre Abla Yarın Yayınlanacak Olan Evimde Bazı Eşyalarını Kullandım \:D Umarım Beğenirsin \:D Şu An Upcoming te. \:\)

maxi kingOct 17, 2009

\:wub\:Hi there!I came here because of TSRAA,same as paramiti!I would like to know if you allow as to use it or not,for us builders it's important!Please let me know!Have a wonderful weekend!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

paramitiOct 17, 2009

Hello Again \:D  with TSRAA back on..i very Much would like to know which of your new Object Sets builders can use in uploading lots here at TSR..please let me know..and ...Thank You \:wub\:

CyclonesueOct 16, 2009

Hee hee - thank you for the cool comment on my windows! \:D \:wub\: Sue

sasha5255Oct 15, 2009

aww thanks for signing my GB, really like that lipstick !! when i saw it in game i liked it even more so heres a big thanks cemere !!  : \:D

paramitiOct 15, 2009

Thank You So Much for these Object sets i love them All and the Gardening set has me even the Most Excited!! You are a Wonderful Creative Artist with such an Eye and also you are a Kind person That is why you are Lovely..so Thank You for the joy you give me for my sims 3 game xx

phadra122Oct 15, 2009

Hello, I love your work. I cannot get the I love gardening set to appear in my game. I have used the Sims 3 launcher and even tried installing the files manually. Everything I have downloaded from the Sims Resource has went into my game. I have tried numerous times because I really wanted this set. Can you please help me. What do I need to do? Please email me. My email address is linstev@bellsouth.net. I would appreciate it. I have  contacted The Sims Resource and they instructed me to contact you. Is there anyway at all I can get this set to appear in my game. I am stumped on this one.

MindyKennettOct 14, 2009

I just wanted to say that I think your creations are awsome!! I hope to see lots more in the future. \:\)Thanks for the awsome creations.

hyprekiaOct 14, 2009

Hello Cemre.  You are in every word a great artist\:\)Creating all these creations must have cost you a lot of effort,but that you enjoy what you are doing really shows in the results\:\) Keep up the good work!!!! theres so much  stuff I wanna see in sims3,for starters I hope they`ll come up with some x-mas items,but with artists like yourself ,sims never get boring\:\) Thank you\:\)

annasims2Oct 13, 2009

Hi, Cemre!  Thank you very much for your lovely words and congrats! I'm so happy to be apart of FA's Family! Have a wonderful day!

cazaruptOct 13, 2009

Hi Cemre, thankyou for your kind congratulations \:D

eviOct 13, 2009

Your work is amazing cemre!

Ekky_SimsOct 13, 2009

thank you so much for your congrats message! i'm so happy to be SA \:D -Ekky-

TugmeLOct 13, 2009

Çok teşekkür ederim tebriğin için Cemre'cim, sizlere yetişebilmek için daha çok çalışmam gerek.. \:\) ben hala tam olarak Workshopu kullanmayı ogrenemedim.. \:\( yakınımda olsanız alır laptopımı yanınıza gelir uygulamalı ders alırdım.. \:\) sevgiler

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