chocolatecraZ92 (926508)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

17 Alanis St.
Published Oct 27, 2006
About Me
I'm Nick, I love to play tennis, and some other sports. i live in Florida. That is all.
My Guestbook Show All
TikoMar 17, 2007
Hiya Nick ----- It was great of you to leave such an encouraging message in my Guestbook - thank you! I'm in the middle of a series of tutorials that is stretching my little brain, so things have slowed down a lot, but they'll be lots more to come! ----- Hope you're having a great weekend. Andy
srgmls23Nov 28, 2006
Hello Thank you very much for the wonderful comment of my houses am glad you like it
kbradley03Nov 24, 2006
thanks a bunch, enjoy!