deb2gray (2188303)
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Beginner Home
Published Aug 31, 2009
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Willis Ave frn by Deb2Gray
Published May 29, 2009
About Me
Hi my name is Deb and I am a mother of three teenagers. I got hooked on sims 2 and bought every game there was to buy I found TSR and figured out how download Items and then began to create beautiful homes that I would see near my work in SunValley Idaho. Sims 3 came out I was very excited I started to build homes, there isn't very much CC for building homes so I started creating Sims 3 people which I really seem to enjoy, my family sometimes helps me. They helped me create Fran and Pink. Maybe I will get back into building homes later when sims 3 comes out with some more stuff but until then I will create sims 3 people. My next goal is to make FA or SA maybe it will happen maybe it won't but thxs for stopping to read about me.
My Latest Updates Show All
Back to sims 3Written Jan 14, 2010
I had to unload WA because I couldn't create beautiful people without CC. So I am back to creating people and enjoying it the only bad thing is coming up with new names. I am stil striving to become a Featured Artist. Thank you to everyone who downloads my Simmy's and leave wonderful comments ...More
Sims 3 WAWritten Nov 22, 2009
Well I have just downloaded WA I was very excited but it took an entire night to download. The next day I tried to play but it took my sim 20 minutes just to walk to base camp. Thank goodness for the TSR forum I read you neede to get rid of the Mod file from outside CC I did that and my game run's like a dream. The only fallback is that all of my CC of hair is gone and I have to use hair from... ...More
Sims 3Written Jun 28, 2009
I just uploaded my first home from Sims 3 it's really hard to build homes and have the creativity that sims 2 had but maybe things will change. Hope you enjoy if it doesn't get rejected ...More
My Guestbook Show All
soyonamyFeb 20, 2014
deb2gray Thank you so much ^^
CleotopiaSep 09, 2010
Hey, wazzup? That was a long time ago deb! Remember me?
denizzo_istJun 22, 2010
Hi Thank you very much for your nice comment on my 'DNZ Hill View'. I'm glad you like it Have a nice day