demonangel26 (3601947)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Camille Sharpe
Published Feb 16, 2011
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About Me
I'm twenty-ish, 5'4, asian, black hair and cute (HAHA yeah right)
I'm a role play addict, until just recently I administered a Bleach Role Play 24/7 but I got sick of that.
Now I'm just some plain old boring person with no special perks what so ever.
Occasionally I do love to go out and actually live life, I do go to college and hopefully I can finish it soon as possible.
But What I love to do most is write, write and write, and the sims became my medium.
I'm not a very detailed writer, and I wanted to be a mangaka, but I couldn't draw to save my life. The sims is a life saver, now I can write and show people what I want them to see without being too detailed.
Anymore information about me and this would become to boring, so.
Thanks for stopping by stranger, feel free to leave me a pm or a GBM or whatever.
Happy Simming!
My Latest Updates Show All
Good news! I'm given free time to thinl through all my stories and may be able to find ways to improve them with the duration of a week. Bad news. No one reads this and I wont be able to update any of my stories. (After Life and Forever) In even worst news. My pc brokedown, so the posibilities of my game going all goo-goo is very high. The worst of worst... ...More
GC2 OverviewWritten Feb 08, 2011
This is just an overview of Gossip City Act 2 : Motives, Gossip about the gossipy world of Gossip City. haha The 2nd part of Gossip City happens a year after the first chapter. A mystery lady arrives a stranger to this gossip filled world of Bridgeport. She's seen immidiately entertained by 'Little Littler' a 1 star celebrity known for keeping a low profile. Someone took a... ...More
Gossip City (Free wallpaper?)Written Feb 05, 2011
I just submitted Gossip City 2nd Act Motives, hopefully everything works out fine from there on. I'm not too confident about this second chapter, but i hope readers would still like it. If you click on the image above, you can have it at full size (not sure what you can do with it, but it can be a wallpaper or whatever.) Thanks for reading, keep reading for... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
NisukiAug 16, 2014
Hello! Rue? :3 Faay's cute yes *3* Thank you so much for your comment on Heavily Heavenly and I'm so sorry for the late reply.... T__T' I kinda got lazy with getting on here and replying... and omfg, you've finally posted new chapters! I'm.... so.. not uptodate here, I still need to read to many stories too. ARGH, what have I gotten myself into.. haha! Hope to be reading your chapters soon, and I'm working on my stories too .. kinda. =3= I hope you're going to have a nice weekend! ^-^
MarijaJAug 08, 2014
Oh well hahha, you're welcome! I love your stories
xLyennerdAug 06, 2014
Hi hi! Thank you for your comment on my story Determined. Next chapter will be out soon (I think.. I hope.. )