Thank you... Again (hugs everyone)
To say I was stupified when I saw the invitation for Featured Artist is an understatement, did I drool and fret over Select Artist? I'd be lieing to say I was not, but I never considered Featured. I have all of you to thank for that. The great thing about the type of items I enjoy converting from Real Life to the Sims is the never ending supply of ideas and inspirations. It is absolutely fascinating seeing and hearing what some of you come up with when you use them.
I hope I do not disappoint you in the future, and please, continue to let me know what you would like to see.
I haven't given up on the meshing, I am just a perfectionist, which means I trash alot of my stuff when I probably shouldn't because it's just not 'right' yet. Devil is in the Details!
I few of the falling down queen anne style homes in my area are being restored at the moment, you are probably going to see alot of that influence in the next few months.
Again, thank you sooooo much for all your support and feedback!