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djehmli's Blog

Home Restoration

My home is an 1880's Victorian farmhouse and my obsession with damask and flowered Wall coverings comes from this old granny as each layer of her walls are stripped down to the original.  Unfortunately many pieces are water damaged due to the shape the roof was in when I purchased her.

While I dig into her history, I hope you enjoy my other finds that I share with you here during my obssessive compulsive need to locate vintage style wall treatments.

New Laptop on its Way!

My desktop is a great machine, one that I have upgraded my self for the last eight years, but I've used up all my memory slots and while it plays Games like the Sims 3 and WoW just fine, the poor thing churns away on others.

So incoming laptop for gaming, graphics and report development, the latter being the excuse I used to convince myself the purchase wouldn't be fluff.  Now I can carry my work to my clients, instead of <shudder> webex and other shadowing thingies.


Fresh Install and Pattern itis

I bit the bullet and did a fresh install this weekend.  Since I was cleaning 'house' on the computer as it was, this also meant I was digging through old folders and files to decide what I might want to archive.  Low and behold I found a slew of patterns and stencils and brushes and plugins and... tons of goodies I forgot even had.


So... who cares about cleaning anything when its more fun to fire up the various graphic programs and play? 

A new neighborhood was started and while Dep Pocketz was running about stealing everything in sight so he could eat on his empty lot on one screen, on the other I was busy combining and destroying and muttering about incompatible plug ins.

All in all a very productive weekend.

Evil Error 13 - Legacy Lost

Cry... It was just not me weekend.  My Myzer legacy was up to generation 6, it was getting huge as each child was having at least 4 kids of their own.  My current heir headed out to work, her husband sat in the park strumming away.  I hit pause, then options, edit town, do you want to save?  Yes... two minutes later up pops error 13.  Something about a post save issue. And the game is locked up.

Ok. Shut down sims, shut down computer, restart computer, load up game and neighborhood.  Everything is there, but the Sims themselves do not appear.  You can see them carrying things and the plumb bobs, chattering away, but everyone is acting like the invisible woman. <sigh> oh well, I'll just load up the back up.  erm.. same thing.  How about the back up of the back up?  Same thing.  How about my other neighborhoods?  They all work fine.  Gerrrrr.  Lost.. all is lost.  <Kicks Computer>

How did I end up with a ghost baby? The story below

Leighton the father died of electrocution as a young adult while trying to repair a broken dishwasher, soon after his death his wife received a message from her coworkers at the scientific institution that if she brought his remains to them they would see what they could do to revive him.  Well, it seemed to work.  Ima was so excited to see him restored that they celebrated that night.  Unfortunately Leighton soon started losing fingers and toes and no matter how much he bathed he stank. He made the decision to return to his grave right before Ima found out she was pregnant, the resulting baby as above.

Leighton was a handyman level 8, so bad luck he got zapped :(

The ghost baby was named Leia, currently she is an adult working in the Medical field.  She married, though it wasn't easy finding a man that would look past her appearances and gave birth to a beautiful daughter who is also ghostly.  I am now curious to see just how many times the ghost 'gene' occurs in the legacy.

Pulled my hair out but finally got a pattern done

Finally was able to create a vintage style wallpaper to my liking.  Ended up using PS 5 and PSPX in combination.

Thanks to Murano from TSR and HystericalParoxym from MTS for their Tutorials.

Knot Garden

I am getting addicted to this building nonsense!  House #3 offered by Djemstone Realty features a old style knot garden.  With all that space in the back the idea just took hold and away it went.  The house itself I am ok with, wish I could create a decent siding type with the old half round scallops.  Gah how I miss Windkeepers windows in Sims 3.

Wanted! Dead or Alive - Baby Thief

Poor Woody and Lin, their day old baby daughter was kidnapped by the very babysitter they had trusted.  The teen had been so sweet and innocent, so concerned that Lin continue practicing her Chess moves, and Woody finish up that last chapter in his latest drama.

Then wham! "I gotta go now!" and she's gone with baby Jenna <cry>

Latest Headlines

Home Restoration New Laptop on its Way! Fresh Install and Pattern itis Evil Error 13 - Legacy Lost How did I end up with a ghost... Pulled my hair out but finally... Knot Garden Wanted! Dead or Alive - Baby Thief
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