dooder85 (2628755)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (45 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Breezy Bridgette's Bungaloo
Published Dec 21, 2010
About Me
Somewhat typical 29 yr old male in Calgary Alberta, buy the sims mostly for the building of houses, very rarely get to play all that much. I have a softspot for rambling estates and office structures - can't wait for the custom content to start rolling out
My Latest Updates Show All
Almost 7K downloads, holy hellWritten Aug 27, 2009
I have to say I never expected so many downloads, and the number seems to be growing exponentially every day. You love me, you really love me! Or at least I'm passable. I obviously should have gone into architecture in school, because the only part of the sims I enjoy is churning out houses left right and centre. I log in with the firm intention on getting that... ...More
Three Thousand Downloads and CountingWritten Jul 22, 2009
Well it looks like i'm getting better at this design thing as I go along, my downloads just jumped over three thousand overnight, so I'm pretty happy with that :) ...More
My Guestbook Show All
PralinesimsDec 19, 2010
****We wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS ♥ and a gorgeous day!!*****
°°°°Happy simming!°°°°
*Hugs and Kisses*
paramitiDec 21, 2009
Happy Holidays to you up there in Canada!! and hope your New Years is Fun and safe!! paramiti~
hatshepsutNov 14, 2009
Hi and thank you for commenting on Dogweed Lane, I had a huge amount of fun wrecking that house! Have fun with it!