doram (1532645)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (49 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Modern Retro
Published Jan 10, 2009
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
I live in Iceland with my husband, 2 children and four cats I bought Sims 1 - the whole package on a sale and got hooked. I thought I'd never stop playing Sims 1 and get Sims 2. But I saw Sims 2 at a special price and thought "ok I'll give this a go, but only the basegame" And now I have all expansions and stuff packs and plan to buy future stuff packs and expansions
I'm a kindergarten teacher
I really love playing the game but I also really love creating lots and I'll admit it....the download folder is now about 6GB and growing I can't live without all this great CC
My Latest Updates Show All
Just learned to recolorWritten Apr 27, 2008
Yes! I did it, I recolored for the first time yesterday. HolySimolys Bijoux set. It's pending for approval. I've recolored a few items since and this is so fun. I plan to upload many many more. Hope you like it! ...More
New lot pendingWritten Mar 17, 2008
I was just uploading a new lot. It has mostly maxis items and some CC that is free to distribute, so when approved it should be free for everyone. ...More
FreetimeWritten Mar 02, 2008
I've installed freetime on my computer. It looks really nice, I played Nina Caliente last night and she has maxed her interest in Music and Dance and has two bars left to max out fitniss. The picture below is her warming up. After Dina moved, after her marriage to Mortimer Goth, Nina converted one of the rooms to an exercise room. ...More
My Guestbook Show All
KrissApr 26, 2010
Hi Doram!...Thanks for your nice comment on the doors set. I hope you will have lots of fun with the set.
AngelaOct 23, 2009
Hi Sweetie! Thanks for your comment on my little kitchen I am glad you like it!
UM CreationsAug 19, 2009
Hei! Just saw you comment on my blog post about my problematic bootcut jeans version. I'm sorry for that problem. The fixed version is available out for download. Here is the link:
Have a great day!