drewsoltesz (143521)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1382 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Retro 1969 Posters
Published Nov 27, 2010
My Latest Sims 1 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 1 Creations
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About Me
Hi, I will no longer be updating here at TSR, a lot of cool changes ( I am now a multi- published romance author!) in my life have had me cutting back on other things, and unfortunately, the Sims has become a casualty. I want to thank everyone who ever commented on my stories and objects, I really do appreciate it.
You can find me at www.karyngerrard.com
My Latest Updates Show All
New Story Posted!Written Feb 23, 2010
I have a new story (sims 2) posted here at TSR, it is a time travel/romance/fantasy, a sequel to one I posted in September, Check it out here, let me know what you think! OCEANS OF TIME II Also, I have other stories I do on my own blog, to visit my main blog DREW'S SIM STORIES Don't be shy, look around, look under my links, a lot of great Sims 2... ...More
CRIME STORY IS BACKWritten Oct 12, 2009
Hi all, wow, it has been since June since I wrote in my blog. A lot has changed, and for me, nothing has changed! I am not jumping into the Sims 3 pool anytime soon, not that I don't think it looks interesting, but I just got BV and AL, I still have lots to explore in Sims 2 yet. Plus my type of storytelling requires a lot of CC, (historical etc) that just would not translate to Sims 3 as... ...More
So Long, Good-bye...Written Jun 30, 2009
I will be away July 6th to almost the end of August, So everyone have a great, safe and serene summer. I tried to upload a couple of sets, but I have been having no luck, do not know what is wrong, will try again before I go, if not, *shrug* Be sure to check out my stories here at TSR, I also have an external blog where I post stories, DREW SIM STORIES Look... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
vnv4Apr 04, 2013
This is first time I have seen your items and they are absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for all these beautifully done walls and floors.
WelshWitchOct 23, 2012
throws pumpkins.......
whitmartinezJul 01, 2012
Hey it's me KSmom..I've been away ...way to long...but I am back and doing stories. Sadly somehow I am unable to see yours on blogspot. Have you done any new ones yet?