drstone (1708967)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (8 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Tropical Breeze
Published Aug 11, 2012
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About Me
Sci-fi/Adventure writer, husband, father of a 9 yo girl, and simmer since Living Large for Sims 1...haven't stopped yet! I mainly create lots of various styles and size, but will be adding objects, outfits, and the like as time goes on. Keep on Simmin'
My Latest Updates Show All
I am SimmerWritten Apr 02, 2012
If I actually sat down and calculated my time spent on this game (started with Sims 1 / Living Large) I would most certainly have a heart attack. So, for the sake of my health, I won't. Instead I will look back fondly of my time well spent meeting new people (from all over the world...and I do mean all over) who have one very special thing in common: Simming. Doesn't matter whether you enjoy... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
ShylariaMar 06, 2013
Hi! Thank you for your kind comment on my Barnabas sim. I tried to set his Lifewish and traits to fit a vampire, lol. And... Angelique Bouchard is coming sometime this week and I have Dr. Julia Hoffman in the works. I also hope to complete Josette DuPres soon.
ShylariaMar 01, 2013
Hi drstone! As I mentioned before that I was working on Original DARK SHADOWS sims for the Sims3. I'v just had Barnabas Collins published. For one of the screen shots of him I used your Collins Family Mausoleum. It was fun playing solving the puzzles to get into the tomb. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I gave you credit and put a recommended link to the Mausoleum so others may download it too. Thank you for a great lot!
ShylariaDec 14, 2012
Thank you so much drstone2 for supporting the fight against breast cancer! Im not giving out any details just yet but I have a surprise, Dark Shadows related contibution I will be adding to my studio to share with others soon!