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dunkicka's Guestbook

evetsangelJan 19, 2009

I like your flower sofas.\:\)

Ame-CJan 13, 2009

Hi there, you are not suppose to let school work get in the way of simming!! \:P I am sure you can handle it, a bright girl like you!!! Well enjoy school and thank you for doing that lovely highlights when will you be uploading it??? Take care. A.\:wub\:

ticticc13Jan 13, 2009

Hello, thanks for the screenshot comment! Much appreciated! \:D

Ame-CJan 10, 2009

its working!!!! \:rah\:

estaticaJan 8, 2009

Hi dunki´cka! I'm really happy you like my stuff! I use Wings 3D and UVMapper Classic to create new objects, but other people use different programs as well. Recolouring custom objects is just like recolouring Maxis stuff, but in SimPe, in the object workshop section, you need to choose the option "Open..." instead of "Start" as you would normally. Just pick the file you wish to recolour and have fun! \:wub\: \:rah\:

Ame-CJan 7, 2009

Yes, I have Apartment Life, I have a few apartments on my site for download, if you want to check them out! I did not like the hair that came with AL that much. I'll keep an eye out for your set on Friday! Take care. \:wub\:

Ame-CJan 6, 2009

Yes, it does remind of Rihanna's but it looks way better in the game!! There are more new hairs I did not load all of them!! I will be very pleased if you could do a recolor of that one with nice highlights. The new stuff pack is worth buying!! Nice little flowers and new roofs!! Keep well you are probably off to bed already!! Amelda. xx\:wub\:

Ame-CJan 6, 2009

Here is the screen shots of the new hair G & M!! \:rah\: \:wub\: http://www.thesimsresource.com/screenshots/view.php?id=132601\:rah\: \:wub\: http://www.thesimsresource.com/screenshots/view.php?id=132600\:rah\: \:wub\:

Ame-CJan 6, 2009

Wow, those clothes sets are gorgeous!!!! I see if I can get my games computer going quickly and load a screenshot of the M & G hairs, there are few for girls and boys!!!\:rah\:

Ame-CJan 6, 2009

http://www.rosesims.org/hair/rosehair_25.htm ...... this is the link to the site of rose sims 2 !!!\:wub\: \:wub\:

Ame-CJan 6, 2009

Hi, sorry if you don't have Garden & Mansion yet, you won't be able to do the recolours!! It is hair that came with the G & M stuff pack! But you know what, there is this new hair by Rose sims 2, you'll see it on my latest screen shot of Barbie. If you can do your gorgeous highlights as the peggy zone one you have already done, that would be awesome!!!!\:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

Ame-CDec 31, 2008

Dunkicka, Do you have the new expansion pack yet, Garden and Mansion, Won't you do recolours of the new long hair with the fringe and the hair which is short at the back and long to the front with those beautiful recolours with brown and blonde highlights as you did the peggy zone hair????? Please please???\:D \:D \:D

charrayNov 28, 2008

Thanks for sharing your creations \:rah\: \:rah\: Great job on them \:\) \:\)

PišetlekicaJul 6, 2008

Evo sada imam 1510 kudosa...i nije tako puno...Kaj ne? \:\( ...Al' ok...nadam se da cu brzo skupiti za boju...

PišetlekicaJul 6, 2008

Joj...jos slusam Disturbiu...hh...\:P ...

PišetlekicaJul 6, 2008

Nadam se da cu ubrzo moci kupiti boju...hh...

PišetlekicaJul 6, 2008

EJ...ja sam jos na kompu...pa sam malo isla skupljati kudose nakon 2 tjedna...\:\) ...\:D ...

MagySimsJul 4, 2008

Thank you for reading and commenting my story - Veronica´s and Zen´s Family Photo Album part 5 =) Really Thank You!

MagySimsJul 2, 2008

Thank you for reading and commenting my story - Veronica´s and Zen´s Family Photo Album part 4 =) Really Thank You! \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

Angela! Jul 2, 2008

e pitala sam te tamo da budemo prijatelji. Acceptiras me tako sto odes dole gde su ti majlovi imas onu devojka sa zavezanom kosom.E desno imas request od mene kliknes ga procitas i acceptiras.\:\)

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