duochanfan (2301061)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (20 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Beautiful Starter
Published Jul 16, 2010
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SubmittedWritten Jul 08, 2010
Well, i've just submitted three houses instead of the two i planed. Now I've got a few more designs and am going to try and recreate my Millionairs Mansion, which I was in he middle of doing before I lost the sims the last time. I also have a slight story idea that i may try and do. duochan ...More
HousesWritten Jul 06, 2010
Well. I've done another two houses and shall be submitting them later on today. Both are small, one is a starter home and the other more luxurious, unless you get it without furniture. Duochan ...More
Beach HouseWritten Jul 04, 2010
I've finally got back into the swing of things and have now uploaded a Beach House on stils, much like my first one, but this one you have a chance at it being a starter home. I have another seven ideas so far. So may get working on them a little later, as well as trying to finish Hogwarts. duochan ...More
My Guestbook Show All
mensureDec 21, 2009
*** I Wish You A Happy New Year ***
cazaruptSep 28, 2009
Well done for winning the competition You took an awesome shot! I love all the colours of the ghosts
SimonettaCSep 28, 2009
Hi, I am so glad you won, I was hoping that you would, I absolutely love that screen shot