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estatica's Guestbook

AnnieBooFeb 20, 2009

Estática, AMEI de PAIXÃO teu apê novo!!!!! Que coisa mais linda!!!!  Parabéns!!!

AnnieBooFeb 15, 2009

Você é portuguesa? Que máximo!!!! Obrigada por escrever no meu guestbook!! Que honra!!!! Pormeto postar fotos dos meu bruxinhos. Bjs!!!!!

pinkfloydgroupieFeb 7, 2009

No prob \:\)

Jaws3Feb 5, 2009

\:\) Oh, and thank-you for your comment on my 'Homework' blog. \:D And thanks for the cookie! It made the homework more bearable! \;\)

Jaws3Feb 5, 2009

I am so jealous! \:D You are SO lucky! I would have given anything to be at that camp...\;\) I am looking forward to the game. I have already pre-ordered it! \:\)  I've read every single piece of information I could find relating to it. I have butterlies in my tummy just talking about it! \;\) lol!

tdyanndJan 29, 2009

\:eek\: ...poor Rubber Ducky... \:\( LOL

hatshepsutJan 25, 2009

Bad Ana!  You made me go all mushy again!:P   Seriously though your comment means a lot to me coming from a lady as talented in her own right as you are.  Catch ya later!

Rabold8Jan 25, 2009

Oh, I'm so glad that you had a great time!  \:D  And, I bet it is hard to adjust back to real life, especially after something like that camp! \:P Thank you so much for your comment on my lot, I really appreciate it.  \:wub\:  The red was my favorite part of the lot as well, I think that it makes the lot feel warm also.  \:D  Do you have anything new planned?

riosmomJan 24, 2009

Greetings fellow camper, I just wanted to say hello and tell you what a pleasure it was to meet you at Creator's Camp. What a treat getting to meet all the other wonderful creators there as well. I feel so lucky to be included in a group of such a talented bunch of people. I wish we could have spent a month there LOL Stay in touch... ~Roxanne aka; SIMcredible's Painter

LightSide93Jan 21, 2009

Hey estatica.. How are you? Hope you are okay, and enjoyed your trip back home.. I just arrived yesterday..It was a long trip.. Just thought come by and say hi, and that I was happy to meet you over at the camp, it is always pleasing to meet new people for me..And your work is simply stunning..Keep it up.. Talk to you soon..~LiGhT~

padreJan 20, 2009

Hello lovely! Just wanted to pop in to say hi! Glad you made it home safely and soundly! Speak soon, dahlink!! Mucho gusto. p\:\)

Rabold8Jan 16, 2009

Well hello there!  \:D \:wub\: I just wanted to let you know that I have a new lot coming out today (1-16-09)!  It isn't much, it is actually just a furnished version of one of my older lots, but I would love to hear what you think of it!  \:D By the way, how was it playing THE SIMS 3????!!!!!!  \:D \:D

srgmls23Jan 13, 2009

Olá Ana\:\) li no blog do  Steve que estas na California que miuda de sorte quem me dera estar ai contigo não so por dar uma espreitadela nos sims 3 mas tambem por te conhecer pessoalmente..\;\) que estes dias sejam muito especiais para ti....bjs :P  Sergio

gameliaJan 13, 2009

Hi, Ana! How are you? Feeling lucky? So what's the report? Tell us about the building tools!! And yes, I also want to know if DOT's hair is really pink. \:D

Jaws3Jan 13, 2009

Hey estatica!\:D Are the rumors true? You're working with Sims 3? \:confused\: You are so lucky!!!\;\) You have some amazing stories. And some WONDERFUL lots. But I like your stories most. \:\)I almost fell over myself when I saw some of the pictures! You have a real knack for Sims photography.:PAnd some amazng taste in custom content! Not only do you make some of the coolest stuff around, but you know exactly what to put in the back-ground for a story! The victorian ones were amazing! I am dying to know where you got those dresses from! \;\)I'm looking forward to your next uploads. An I'm guessing you'll blow us all away when Sims 3 rolls around, won't you?\:\)

Ariana31PlayerJan 12, 2009

ola!! td bem? entao andas aí a descobrir os sims 3? que sorte!! muitos parabens!!

EisbaerbonzoJan 12, 2009

Whow! I just read you are in California to work on Sims3. Big hugs and congrats from me! Let us know EVERYTHING about it! Enjoy the time there and make new friends in the Sims community. And psst...tell me if DOT really wears pink hair...

cariadbachJan 12, 2009

Happy New Year Anna. I read on Steve's blog that you are out in California, you lucky thing \;\) Shall look forward to hearing all your news. Have a fantastic time \:wub\:

Rabold8Jan 11, 2009

Ooh, I love you new page!  \:D

eviJan 11, 2009

I love your page! It is even fluffier than mine!\:rah\:

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