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evi's Blog

🎄Merry Days to all of you🎄

🎁 🦌 Since the beginning of 2004 that I am an active member of The sims resource I have lived many changes as I have seen the site growing. I feel for TSR as I feel for a family next to mine. I have welcome smart creators with bright ideas, I have said goodbye to creators that left forever and unfortunately not only from TSR and I felt sadness for all these people that I have missed because of their different choices. During these days The sims resource is dressed its festives clothes but I believe this year has overcome itself. I am a Christams kid the last 68 years and I am happy that our neigborhood is so festive . More or less 20 years ago I started sending wishes to everyone's gb ( creators, downloaders, admins) I was so happy a few years later to see that people adopted the idea and started wishing to everyone.  I am not sure if I manage to send a wish to each one of you this year too. Forgive me if I miss someone's gb . Stiil I want you to know that I love all of you and I am proud for all creators . I enjoy everything you do! I WISH YOU HAPPINESS AND JOY FOR THESE DAYS AND A PROSPERUS AND CREATIVE NEW YEAR, See you around;)🎁 🦌





🍄Halloween decorations-My recolours🍄

Yesterday I decided to upload at Instagram some of my Halloween recolours which I have at tsr.  To my surprise they were a lot more than what I had in mind. Basically I am a lot FA but I enjoy creating rugs ( my favorites) and paintings and whatever I think it will makes me feel good. I never thought that my Halloween recolours can be so many especially when in my country do not celebrate halloween .


and more


      and many many more!!





🌺 Happy Easter 🌺

❤️ Happy Valentines Day ❤️


I love bohemian style. Classic bohemian style not the boho chic style. Bohemian style is cozy and fun like you have fireworks in your game! My sims love it too and if you belong in my fan group you should know by now that I have plenty of bohemian creations in my mini site. January of 2021 was my bohemian creative month and I uploaded some rooms furnished and decorated with the style I prefer in my sims game. I have noticed that many of you liked them and this made me absolutely happy. Thank you! See you around.






Now it is the end of a very very wierd year which was like a science fiction movie. I hope it ends good for every one of the tsr members.

From my heart I thank all of you who download my creations and you gave time to comment on them

Your support is appreciated

I wish you all cozy and warm holidays

Take care of yourself and the people you love .

Enjoy the season breake and have a great , a prosperous and without odd surprises New Year

with all my love





🎄 TSR 2020 Holiday Collaboration and I 🎄


One day of the weird year of 2020 (during which, practically EVERYTHING can happen) we,  the Creators of The Sims Resource, decided to collaborate in a Holiday project organized by Cath ( artist Mama)  and offer to our subscribers  and all sims addicts,  this Holiday feeling to cheer them up since we are all feel a bit depressed these days due to covid-19 .

We are not sure yet if we managed to reach our goal, you tell us, but we enjoyed the process for sure!

For me, personally the situation was a bit frustrated at the beginning  because of the language gap but the frustration lasted only for a little  since there were younger and fresher minds than mine around and pop up like Jack in the box every time I need help.  Besides Cath,  Danuta  with whom I was close before , I realized that all Tsr Artists are amazing people, they are friendly, loving,  they like what they do as much  I do, they are humorous, helpful, unbelievably creative and they like to give and enjoy giving.

We all are neighbors on the same planet, and we are enjoying it!

During the period of the Collaboration I had the opportunity to come closer to artists I did not had the opportunity to talk before. I realized how amazing they are, how willing and flexible. All these details in their work, the colors, the designs, the spirit left me speechless so many times during the process!  I was thrilled and I was proud that I had the opportunity to be a part of the team!

I THANK CATH FROM MY HEART. It was a really   hard work for her to organize us in such a big project for the very first time.

I am sure our downloaders will enjoy the CCs which Tsr offers this year as much as we enjoyed creating them. Let your sims furnished and decorate theirs houses, dress themselves with warm and elegant clothes, let them wear special holiday make-up and jewelry , eat yummy  cakes and dance forever having the best Holiday ever!


See you around






Roooooommsss to let!

I love the idea of creating rooms and I was really thrilled to here we can upload them at tsr. My first attempt took me hours! I do not know how long I was trying to collect the CC I needed. I thought I spent an afternoon diging in these wonderful creations the Tsr's artists have uploaded. My hubby said it was a lot more than an afternoon since I was still in front of my computer when he went to bed at 11 am. It seems that creating a room is as difficult as creating a lot but I enjoy it more.

Here are some of my first rooms







 Hello my friends ! If you wish to create a Greek summer house like these you see in Santorini, Mykonos, and other Aegean Sea islands you actually need the following:


  • A summer mood (very important)
  • White and blue colours (the basic)
  • A huge number of flowers in many colours.
  • It has to be child-friendly
  • It has to be placed near a beach. A pool is welcome.
  • Many terraces on different levels
  • Love all around it
  • Your personal creativity (especially important)

You may need some CC from these I use in my Greek/ Hellenic lots:

Mikonos furniture



Santorini furniture and building items




Walls and floors








Some ideas:





MY SIMS AND COVID-19 👨‍👨‍👧‍👦

 My sims are real and they adjust to external reality. Keep safe everyone!


Latest Headlines

🎄Merry Days to all of you🎄 🍄Halloween decorations-My... 🌺 Happy Easter 🌺 ❤️ Happy Valentines Day... 🍄 🌷 MY BOHEMIAN... ☃️ 🎄 I WISH YOU HAPPY... 🎄 TSR 2020 Holiday... Roooooommsss to let! A RECIPE FOR GREEK/HELLENIC HOUSES MY SIMS AND COVID-19...
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