fairygirl8000 (1467468)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (163 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Micah (Read Details)
Published Aug 30, 2011
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (4 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Father & Son (Son)
Published May 31, 2011
About Me
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My Creations (Please read)Written Mar 27, 2010
I will only be posting small number of downloads to TSR, its a lot easier to submit my creations to the exchange which you can find here http://www.thesims3.com/mypage/fairygirl8000 ...More
New computerWritten Dec 04, 2009
I got a new computer today so i should have new creations up soon! ...More
My CreationsWritten Dec 02, 2009
Hopefully my absents of creations will come to an end soon. I should hopefully be getting a new computer thurs. ...More
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sophielewlew94Dec 02, 2017
Your sim (Ava) that you've created contains the night time daytime boots which causes infant glitches, i just thought id better let you and your downloaders know because i had to restart my game because of the problem. Thanks
Chuck66Aug 12, 2010
what link?
frisbudJun 16, 2010
Listing the custom content you use and crediting the creators of that content is a very big deal. That's why in the Terms and Conditions on the Sims3 Submissions page it says, "Do not submit any files that are not your own creations, unless you
have consent from the original artist. You should also be sure not to
use other creator's bases for your own work without gaining their
permission first, and properly crediting them. " I am one of the people here at TSR who handles complaints everyday from users who download Sims from this site but they don't work correctly in their games. Because the creator didn't list all of the content they were using ... 1) when the Sim is in their game it looks nothing like what was in the preview picture, 2) the Sim crashed their game because there was custom content missing that they didn't know about, or 3) in the case of missing skintones it turned the Sim all black like a shadow. Not only does TSR expect you to credit the artists of the content you are using, but the Sims community as a whole expects it too. That's why each creator and site has a Terms of Use that they have set
forth for their creations. It's part of being a responsible Sims
artist. If someone is allowing you to use their creations for your
work, then you need to be giving credit to that person.