florie1977 (1734379)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (21 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

The Great Stag
Published May 13, 2014
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (22 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Small Split Level
Published Jan 7, 2008
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About Me
Avid Simmer, lol. Love the build mode! Really enjoy creating things for the game.
I enjoy movies, walking, reading, writing, cooking/baking, computers, collecting unicorns and turtles, and nature.
My Latest Updates Show All
StoryWritten Jul 29, 2013
So, I have decided to convert a book I wrote to a sims story. A lot of editing is needed as some scenes would not be allowed on tsr, but it should be fun. There are already some screenshots from the story I just havent really put it together much yet. Trying to go scene by scene. Time concuming and fun at the same time. :) ...More
Good Morning SimmersWritten Jul 28, 2013
So, here I am, looking for pictures that I snapped to make another chapter for my story. Not finding them! Sure I had a folder full. Gone. Nowhere to be seen. Found out my loving hubby accidently deleted it. And since the recycle bin is cleaned up on a regular basis, there is no getting it back! So ok, that story is now discontinued. Someday I will get to complete one!!!!... ...More
Screenshots!Written Jul 25, 2013
I've been popsting a few new screenshots and although they are visible when clicking on the screenshot link, I'd love to have them up front instead of the story chapters. I can't find how to have screenshots show. If anyone out there is reading this and knows how to do it, please help me! lol <3 ...More
My Guestbook Show All
MetensDec 30, 2014
A little bit earlier - I wish you a New Year filled with love, hope and sweet dreams. Enjoy each moment with your friends and your family, Be who you really are and not who people want you to be, Smile, Stay strong and Carry on amazing me with your creativity, Florie! - Ben
LUCKA50May 03, 2014
Good afternoon, first of all I send you my best greetings from Prague. I have seen your pictures to The Sims 3 in simspack. I would like to ask you if it would be possible for you to make a golden plate of a celebrity in simspack for me. I have a photo in .png, I need just put it to simspack. If you would agree then I would send you a photo to your e-mail. I have all the discs of the Sims 3. My e-mail: lucie.sroubkova@centrum.cz . I thank you very much for your answer and for your understanding. I wish you a nice day. With my best regards Lucie Šroubková
DegeraDec 16, 2013
I just wanted to let you know that we are currently running a screenshot contest. Check the news on the front page of the site for more details!