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framedarchitecture's Guestbook

PenelopeTFeb 26, 2010

Hi, William! Thanks again for leaving one of your ever so nice comments. I just got a bit tired of that little stretch of beach 'Sunnyside Strand' being so bare and wanted to toss something on it. Thinking about the movie 'Big' with Tom Hanks, helped me come up with some random boardwalk type of items to try and re-create. \:\) Once again, I really appreciate the positive feedback. Have a wonderful weekend! \:wub\: ~ Penelope

HadewychFeb 26, 2010

Those buildings are real masterpieces!  Compared to you I'm still in the Lego phase \:D

Marauder281Feb 25, 2010

Thank you vey much for the great comments you posted on my lot 'Bark Place'! It's always great to hear from fellow builders because few others will see the difficulty and time spent on these lots. With that being said, I downloaded your new Usonian lot last night and am anxiously looking forward to getting a closer look at it (and your other lots)  as soon as possible. The only issues I was not able to sort out with Bark Place was the fact it really has no front yard and that Palm trees are visible from it's location.Thanks again! ~John

sbrizoloneFeb 24, 2010

Thanks for your comment again! The Old New York really fascinates me \:\)

PenelopeTFeb 23, 2010

Hi, William! I really appreciate you taking the time to comment on my 'Crashing Waves' community lot. \:\) It's always nice to hear back from fellow artist, especially someone who's work I am a fan of. You do have a great eye for design. Have a great day! \:wub\:

PralinesimsFeb 20, 2010


joann54Feb 19, 2010

Thanks so much for Gamble House. Love it!! Love your work. Please keep building.

ayyuffFeb 17, 2010

Hi Willia,Many thanks for your lovely comment on my lot  Summer Dream,I am glad to know you like it \:\) 

monikaparusFeb 16, 2010

Hello William! THX for your coments on my houses. Hope you enjoy them! And by the way your creations are awesome \:D Best wishes... Monika

Vanilla SimFeb 15, 2010

♥ Hope you had a ♥ Happy Valentine’s Day ♥

SimsimayFeb 14, 2010

▒▒▒ Happy Valentine’s Day \:wub\: ▒▒▒

wolfspryteFeb 13, 2010

Hello William! Thank you so much for your comment on my "Beautiful You" lot!  The underground concept was not mine!  I read it somewhere around the web...  just put it to use! I hope you enjoy the lot... and thank you for sharing your wonderful creations with us too! \:D

LightSide93Feb 12, 2010

Hey there William! \:D Thought I would thank you for the kind comment you left by my lot. I love landscaping so glad you liked the gardens. \;\) Thanks again. ~Light~ \:wub\:

coolestpcdfanFeb 9, 2010

Hi dear William,thank you so much for your comment on my airport.Best wishes... \:wub\:

simsjeanieFeb 9, 2010

Hi, William, thank you so much for your comment on "Test your Lot!". It was driving me mad, that I didn't know why  stairs sometimes worked and sometimes not ... And to be true I didn't find out where north-south was - I failed too often. So before I began I built stairs and let a poor test-sim try. And then I thought, that might be easier with a tiny lot I could just place before building - and when I know, just bulldoze ... Credits - as written - go to Pescado and Plasticbox of MTS who gave the link. I'd never had the idea that it depends on the direction. I'm so glad that it might be useful for other builders, too. (Never thought that I would be able to give anything to framedarchitecture :eek\:\) Have a nice day  - or better - a nice evening! *Here's some nectar* \:wub\:

katalinaFeb 8, 2010

Hiya William \:\) Thanks for stopping in and leaving me that wonderful comment on the abandoned elf dwelling. I plan to do more fantasy as time allows. Next time I probably won't put as many weeds in the next lot lol! Have a great day \:D

JSR_JulieFeb 6, 2010

Hello William and thank you for your nice words on my Victoria Garden 53 \:D I am happy again, even if words of praise coming from those who themselves build perfect houses \;\)  The roof has prepared me some problems, but ultimately the house is still playable. Unfortunately, many will no longer work properly rewarded and I have the feeling that the houses in general are no longer needed. best regards Julie \:\)

JCIssetteFeb 4, 2010

\:wub\: Hello there, William. Thanks so much for the great critique on my new lot, West Street.\:D  This is one of my "resting homes. " LOL Have a great day and hugs, Judy\:wub\:

hatshepsutFeb 1, 2010

Hi William and thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my old path terrains.  I hope you find them useful \:D

PenelopeTFeb 1, 2010

Hey there William! \:\) Thanks so much for the lovely comment on my 'Downtown Living 2' lot. It's much appreciated! \:wub\: By the way, I love your upcoming lots. I will be sure to stop back by your minisite and pick them up. Take care! ~ Penelope

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