Amsterdam PG Convention - The First 10 Screens, the Comments
As some of you may have noticed, there are an aweful lot of screenshots with the same sims in them all the time of this weekend... You are correct. BUT... They are not just any, somebodies Sim. These are the 7 most powerful female Sims around. Therefor we organized a POWER GIRL Convention to be held on different parts of our globe. NOT with just a simple copy or download of that sim we can get everywhere, but with all of the REAL sims together to enjoy each others company, to laugh, learn, and share their experiences. 7 Powergirls from 6 different Countries.
To have more space, I took out the smileys...sorry...
This is the Amsterdam PG Covention.
1. Barb & Penelope
Penelope has arrived by train. Fred, Barb and Haagje are delighted to meet up with their friend from Germany! Penelope had a long journey! She's really eager to visit France with the girls!
Fredbrenny: This is such a great opportunity! SimJeanie's Penelope travelled a great deal to meet up with the rest of the gang. So far we have Haagje, Fred, Barb and of course Penelope herself. We would LOVE to have Tessa, by Caridina for instance, to join us!
Caridina: Wow!!! This is a wonderful idéa Tessa will love it, if I can figure out how I do it
Simsjeanie: Oh, I'm delighted to see Penelope is making friends with the others! Oh, she will enjoy, I'm sure! For weeks she told me she wanted to meet her friends and as I see she's arrived safely ... Have some Riverview Kabinett Auslese, it's stored in the luggage waggon (or so I hope) and get "younger than ever"
Spitzmagic: way too fun freddiekins
Martoele: Oh, I wasn't aware that you had started already with those screenies. I've been a few days with the sims2 for a story idea and I see a lot has happened. Great!!!
2. Fred & Penelope
The Power Girls just moved into Sunset Boulevard. Both Pene and Fred love to goof around with the sprinklers. Penelope is going to France tomorrow.
Simsjeanie: Oh no! Now I'm really laughing - she always wanted to play with the sprinkler and badbad Jeanie always clicked it away - about 10 to 15 times a day. She looks so happy now ...
Mysteryjack1: Lucky Penelope, getting to go to France...Your sims have a very lovely garden I wish I had the same...
Caridina: Ha!ha! This is wonderful, and Jeanies comment is so funny
3. Penelope & Haagje
The house needs cleaning and Haagje took Penelope to come with her to work on the house. First it's time for coffee and sun basking...
Simsjeanie: Oh, Haagje will find out that Penelope is lazy - she'd done all self-cleaning updates she could do at home so the only cleaning she's doing is wiping the surfaces in the kitchen from time to time. But I see she's feeling at home - Haagje has the same tableware as Penelope ... Oh, what a wonderful spot to sit down and relax - with Haagje in her beautiful home! That's great!
Mangio: wow what a beautiful scene to relax in
Caridina: Lovley pic. The girls have a nice time there in the sun.
4. Tessa arrives
The power girls are almost complete. I do miss having Veronika Storm here with us...LOL But Penelope and Barb pick up Tessa from the train and welcome her in their home!
Spitzmagic: hahahaha Tessa looks a little afraid of Barb....Now Barb I know you waited for quite sometime to meet Tessa, Take it easy there girl...LOL
Caridina: Ha! ha! ha! I love this idéa
FreyanSam: She does look a bit frightened What a fun idea to share your sims!
5. Barb & Haagje
Barb is tooooo excited because of the house where the Power Girl Convention will take place. Haagje wants to check the kitchen.
Caridina: Oh, look at Barbs face
Spitzmagic: ROFL....If this is the house I think it is i'm off to get it
Haagje: Haagje is a control freak, so if you want to enjoy a delicious meal, the kitchen clean and ready for use
FreyanSam: 'Oh, I forgot to.. Please don't look there.' Looks like she is thinking something like that
Martoele: Hahaha... just reading your own comment on the screenshots, you're already telling a story.
6. Power Girls
Barb...get yourself a glass and sit with us.... I made this excellent nectar, it is just a wonderful welcome drink!
Caridina: Fantastic
Haagje: The girls do themselves well to nectar, mmm I just grab yourself a glass of wine
Spitzmagic: hahahah, yes we do that that nectar....very much...slurp...
FreyanSam: Sounds delicious, mmm
Martoele: Hey, you should really put another chair there because Cynthia is on her way as well. If she hasn't got a chair she might feel neglected and you know how she reacts now and again.
Fredbrenny: I have to pull up 2 more chairs... Guess who's joining the convention???? Cynthia and VERONIKA Storm!!!
7. The Beginning
We have 1 more room available. ell...Tessa is joining us today. That means we will be 5. Five Power Girls. Did you maybe get a hold of Veronika Storm, Fred, or shall we start without her this weekend? Fred doesn't answer. Fred forgot to invite Veronika.... maybe next time...
Caridina: Tessa is on the train and is so exiting over this meeting with the girls
Mysteryjack1: That would be so cool if Veronika Storm was there And my Nan's called Tessa
Haagje: After a good glass of wine are only the good discussions going, but now wait or there are good plans come true
Spitzmagic: Barb gets very excited.....
Midnight222: Oh my ...... LMAO!!
FreyanSam: Hope they'll have a great weekend
Martoele: Oh, I'm afraid that Cynthia won't make it in time.
8. Tessa & Haagje sparring
They are both equal, but this time Haagje won.
Simsjeanie: Oh-oh ... The two of them are really good at martial arts! And they do stay friends after the combat?
Martoele: When my Cynthia is there, they all will win because it's been such a long time that she hasn't done anything to keep fit. That's of course because she has no men around the house. She lost all of her physical skills.
Caridina: Oooohhhh.... this is so fantastic see all this pics of the girls. I see Tessas little house with the pond there behind them. It is so funny they are good at this both of them!
EleCris: Oh awesome pic Fredbrenny wow i think i must visit china again to be like Haagje
Haagje: Oh I get it it's full moon.........
FreyanSam: Wow, great picture with the moon in the back
Glamurita84: cool
9. Tessa's Ghost
Cleopatra... the ghost Tessa brought to the going down to the kitchen... we were all in bewildered awe... Why not use the stairs?
Spitzmagic: oh that's just to funny, so that is what it's doing. I thought it lost the other half of it's body...
Uniquespecialgirl: bahahaha :L
Martoele: No need of using any stairs! Lol.
Caridina: Ha! ha! That's strange :-) It is her daugther, you know. If you let girls take pics of her it is the "dubble death"
Caridina: Ooooohhhh... I can se the pic Tessa took with her camera on the top of the hill with all the birds in China
Badangel^^^^: Hahaha :-) Looks like Tessa is watching it suffer
10. Double dead
Cleopatra has no plans to go back to her grave yet... first there is breakfast!
Simsjeanie: :-) Oh no, I never had a clue before what this game can do ...
Martoele: I love Jeanie's reaction on this....
Caridina: Ha! ha! ha! This is so funny. A hungry ghost of a mummy :-) I see you knew it is the double dead.
Badangel^^^^: :-)If I see a ghost-mummy in the kitchen, making breakfast I would probably run away:-)
FreyanSam: And she still has the special 'mummy hand pose', looks funny