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fredbrenny's Blog

My Personality, you've got to be kidding...

My Personality.


  • Interests: Philosophy
  • Hair: Something out of a can
  • Civil Status: Married
  • Favorite Food: Tuna fish sandwich
  • Housing: Castle
  • Job: Management
  • Listens To: Blues
  • Personality: Wise
  • Starsign: Libra
  • Style: Jeans and t-shirt





I found out we have a lot more traits to choose from now... Let's find a funny one, I think I have a good sense of humor... People always laugh at me... so.... can I change my personality into something like this? REALLY??? TSR, you've got to be kidding..


1000 comments on my stories!!!!

And it so happened that my dear ((((((((((SIS)))))))))  Barb (spitzmagic) was the one to do so!!!!  I am totally thrilled!!!!!!


An Italian Wedding

It was beautiful. Just got back today! The wedding of my friend in Italy was everything you can imagine! Good food, good weather, good vibes, good scenery and good people!!! This is me... 35 degrees centigrade and counting.... hahahahaha


An Italian Wedding!

Here I am in Friuli! An Italian wedding is taking place in.... ITALY... of course... lovely Spilimbergo is our home for the week, and in half an hour we are going to the big wedding party! Need to redo my make up a bit and in our airconditioned B&B it's very nice... I will be back in Holland on Tuesday!!! Big hugggs from me and Amadeus!



stories...impatience... continued... AGAIN

AGAIN... back with the story Bug...err.. blog

It probably is not an easy task but I see nothing has really changed in the story department. About featuring a story for 2 or 3 days and giving every featured story that chance?

here is my old blog... nothing has changed...



 I'm back with this blog.

Although for many simmers the story section is not very important, it is for a a number of people. Giving us a platform to share our stories, we also feel it should be important to update regularly and with a reasonable amount of time someones story is featured and new stories to read on a daily basis. Sometimes a story is featured for just a couple of hours, other times, a story will be on the index page for days. It is not that no stories are submitted, but it feels like stories are an unwanted child,. You have to take care of it, but it is not given the love it needs.... With all due respect, ... if we are going to have stories on TSR and the chance to be featured with our creativity, it would be nice if someone would take control and do something about it. Too bad some of the best storywriters took their stories to their own blogs. Who is the story moderator today? I don't know. I don't know who to turn to if I have questions about stories. Please TSR... You would do us (story writers, readers) a big favour to embrace this neglected child you put in to this world....

Impatience... continued....

 I'm back with this blog.

Although for many simmers the story section is not very important, it is for a a number of people. Giving us a platform to share our stories, we also feel it should be important to update regularly and with a reasonable amount of time someones story is featured and new stories to read on a daily basis. Sometimes a story is featured for just a couple of hours, other times, a story will be on the index page for days. It is not that no stories are submitted, but it feels like stories are an unwanted child,. You have to take care of it, but it is not given the love it needs.... With all due respect, ... if we are going to have stories on TSR and the chance to be featured with our creativity, it would be nice if someone would take control and do something about it. Too bad some of the best storywriters took their stories to their own blogs. Who is the story moderator today? I don't know. I don't know who to turn to if I have questions about stories. Please TSR... You would do us (story writers, readers) a big favour to embrace this neglected child you put in to this world....




Patience is a virtue... I think. I think I waited for the second chapter of my story to come out for almost one week. Then for 4 days there is no change on the TSR story page, no new stories at all! And today...BAM 10 new stories at once! I wish it was different. Why is this? I submitted part 3 right away. I hope it won't take this long now. I wanted to let you know it was out today, and that sometimes I can get a little impatient...

Anyway here it is:





Today is my sweet American sister Barb's BIG BIRTHDAY! She had a nice round number coming up and today is a day to celebrate!

Go on over to Spitzmagic's guestbook

and say Happy Birthday!!!


My best friend's Haagje's birthday is today too!  YEAY!!!


Did I tell you that also my sister in law Chantal and my co-worker Nikolien have their birthdays today? They are not on no need to go say Happy Birthday. :D June 14th is a SPECIAL DAY

Fred in Texas

I am back home now. But I had the most amazing, wonderful trip to Texas. I met my sister Barb. it was even more awesome than I imagined.

Barb is the sweetest, funniest sister in the world, and I am glad and happy she is MY sis! Her husband and her family made me feel at home the very first moment I set foot in there home. Love you Dan!


Now look at the two of us:........ We are FRED & BARB!!!!

THANKS!!!! Sims 3 Story Pod

I am too excited!!!

When I opened my minipage today, the first thing I noticed was that Fred & Barb were looking at me. I had to look twice, and yes... Good old Frank Cooper, with his butt on fir, who had been sitting there for centuries in my story pod ....was gone... finally! Finally I have my Sims 3 stories featured on my minisite! Can't tell you how happy I am.

Who do I thank? I have no idea, but I will say a BIG HUGE thank you to TSR staff! I LOVE you guys! THANKS!!!

Fred & Barb Story!

Go check it out! It has been a while, but Fred & Barb are back!


Latest Headlines

My Personality, you've got to be... 1000 comments on my stories!!!! An Italian Wedding An Italian Wedding! stories...impatience...... Impatience... continued.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARB!!!! Fred in Texas THANKS!!!! Sims 3 Story Pod Fred & Barb Story!
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