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fredbrenny's Blog

Final Chapter of the Lobster Tale

It came out today!

I know...I know... I've been talking about it a lot these past weeks. It's a jungle out there still... so it's not easy to find. Well it is... if you know where to look, but here is the link!

I really appreciate all your feedback And thanks to all of you who read and comment! I will thank you personally too!



Having trouble to find the newest stories?

Just like Illandrya in her blog, I have trouble finding the newest stories I am dying to read in the jungle called Storytelling this past week. I too have the fourth chapter of Lobster and Salad out today and it is in there somewhere! To make it easier: here's the link I really want to thank you for reading and commenting. The feedback is wonderful and keeps me wanting to write more stories!

Lobster Thermidor and Autumn Salad

I hope everyone can find chapter 3 of the story. It came out today, but somehow it ended up somewhere behind all stories from last summer and fall which have the dates set to 2010. Quite confusing. I got so much and such great response on the story sofar that I thought I'd warn you the new chapter is there to read! Here's the link:



Story Time again

I decided to finally make a story about one of my favourite Sim Families. The Fields.

Lobster Thermidor & Autumn Salad.

Unfortunately, thanks to me patching the game a couple of weeks ago, I am now not longer able to play this household... I do regret that very much, but hopefully I will be able in the future. I didn't patch the game with the latest patch yet, I read so many horror stories about that one! So...this time...not a horror story but I think a good story (I hope) about food...??? No...about life, and the ingredients that are used to make a good life.


Fred in Egypt

I thought I would share a picture of the REAL Fred (me in the front of this cozy camel) in Egypt. Too bad the other person is not the real Barb....let's just pretend.....hahaha


I'm BLUE not all the way anymore

I have been testplaying a town that didn't have the "Blue Lot Virus" Since my last blog edit. I must say, I could use some sleep now too, because when testing I had to go on playing without stopping and now I'm tired, because I also have a REAL life next to playing Sims. What happened since my testing?

Well I haven't encountered any problems yet. Not even when I let Fred & Barb be in thegame again. The only two things I have done are: First: Removed my Mods Folder and resource.cfg belonging to those mods, completely from the game. I only have used some sims3 packaged files from TSR.

Second: Before and On Vacation I used the SAVE AS option to save the game Doing so creates a new saved game everytime I do this. So far, after sending my test family to Egypt twice, China twice and France once I have 10 Saved games, all with different names (for instance: FredinChina dec 5 or Fred goingChina dec 5) I never used the safe option anymore. I tend to walk out of the room as my game loads back to the neighborhood after a vacation. I am too scared to witness the Blue lotted town again. But sofar everything works. I did loose 5 or 6 Towns though and I hope there will be a patch out someday for fixing that.

OK, I'll keep you posted on how things are with my Blue Lots, until there are no more!


Hi there fellow Simmers!

I have not been uploading recently. No lots, no sims, no stories.... Just some screenshots.

There is a reason for all this. I am having the Blue's.... Not me personally (although that could happen if this state goes on for too long) but for my game. I have the Blue Lot issue and I don't know how to resolve that. I've been on all forums for the last 2 days and I am sorry to say, there are no solutions as of yet. I will keep you posted and come back with FAB designs as soon as my game has recovered of this Blue Lot Flu.

See you soon again Simmers. Of course I will be here on TSR and monitor everything that's going on! I love it too dearly!



Valley of Dreams... the finale

Hi faithful readers and of course NEW fans!

Barb and I have almost completed our Valley of Dreams saga...  *sob sob*   yes I know... it's sad... BUT... I have good news too! Barb and Fred will be back with new adventures and we won't have to part from them or their husbands and children...

Check out part 1 of the Finale submitted by SPITZMAGIC!


Barb and I just have way too much fun creating these stories so we will go on till we ...well... I guess, untill we don't like it anymore....hahahaha


See ya!   FRED

How about a new poll on the index page???

Just wondered.

Who wants to see a new TSR poll on the index page? All those in favour say "Aye"


I am totally amazed at how many downloaded my lots, my sims got(especially Angelina, Scarlett and my Simself FredBrenny and my sim hubbie Sean Collina...oh...and Barb's Sim hubbie Nita ... hahaha...) oh... and my one time Fred's Natural Lipstick (over 1900 DL)... And then the lots for sims2 too!

I really, really want to say this again:  THANK YOU!  All the comments and the downloads makes this all so worthwhile! I am working on a lot again, A new lot will be up for download tomorrow and I will submit Chapter 5 of the story Valley of Dreams tonight! Boy....Life is Good!!!

Enjoy yours!!! Frederique

What a challenge!

Ever tried to write a story where 8 people (simmies) are involved? Living at different locations? But still you want to be able to control all of them? Well... let me tell you...that's quite a challenge! Barbara (our wonderful Spitzmagic) and I know what that is like. For our story Valley of Dreams we now have our max. That means 8 People on a lot...oh...let me change that...two times 8 people on two lots... Occasinly I have ( and I think that goes for Barb too...) 2 or 3 different sets of the Collina and Ohinyan families at the same time...split the families to allow another character (or characters) to play their parts. You have to put them in the same house (or lot) to control them. It's like the real movie business...getting cast and locations set. and hair...synchronize Texas and Amsterdam... It is a lot of work I can tell you that (and time consuming). But I have never ever had so much fun with my sims game as I'm having doing these series with my 'sis' Barb!!!

Working on chapter 4 right now! Thanks for reading this blog! Love you!

Latest Headlines

Final Chapter of the Lobster Tale Having trouble to find the... Lobster Thermidor and Autumn Salad Story Time again Fred in Egypt I'm BLUE not all the way anymore Valley of Dreams... the finale How about a new poll on the... 25.602 Downloads What a challenge!
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