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fredbrenny's Blog much to do so little time!

Yes, home from the States now for a week. Friday, Hubby and I went to Limburg (Holland's most southern province). Tomorrow back to work again and I am lagging behind! So many really neat stuff here on the site, so many great screenshots and stories! I still have to write to some people and read some more stories and I haven't got the time! I just can't leave the house for more than a day! I NEED a laptop. Luckily I have a birthday coming up next month.

I put some pictures from last weekend in my galleries (in the "more of me" folder) and some extra from California as well. Have to run now, I have some stories to read, some screenshots to rateand some friends I desperately need to talk to. Ofcourse I have to see what's for dinner. Real life is trying to catch my attention...See y'all later!




Back home

Back home from Mother Lode Country! I put 3 pics in my gallery, more to come.

Dear friends! I'm here again to watch your every step again! Watch out!

I really want to thank everybody who stopped by my guestbook to say hello and to tell me how you missed me! Now that is heart warming! I have loads and loads of catching up to do! Being gone for 3 weeks left me with 150 emails unread and I'm not even talking about my minisite, guestbook entries and thank you's I have to reply! But I will! If I miss to do so and not reply to one of your messages I am really sorry, I try to answer them all!

Love, Frederique


Story Time

Well, everyone is talking about stories at the moment it seems to me, so I will talk about it a little too.

 Valley of Dreams

Did you already check out Barb & Fred's new story Valley of Dreams? We have been working very hard on chapter two. It's almost finished and needs to be edited. Barb and I already took all the shots and this time I had a little more screenshots so I will submit part two. It is such a fun story! It gives me the "FEEL GOOD" feeling! Tomorrow the house where Barb and Fred live will be up for download! It's a great house to play!

I will be on vacation for 3 weeks as of Thursday, maybe I will pop in on occasion to say "hi" if I have internet access somewhere. Have fun simming boys and girls!




I have over 20.000 downloads it says on my minipage... I'm overwhelmed. Next week I'm on vacation and will be back on September 18th...I hope you will visit my site from time to time...just uploaded two more lots. A nice Dutch farm house and Fred and Barb's place from our story Valley of Dreams.

Thank you ALL for downloading, reading and rating and especially commenting on my downloads, stories and screenshots. I DO so much appreciate that...Love you!


Hi Friends!



If I could, I would give my kudo's to people who really need them....for instance to get stuff...a banner...or the poll feature.. I would love to be able to customize my minisite more, but I tink that's only for the SA and FA artists. I have alot of kudo's I have no use for... Maybe TSR can do something about that???

Fred In Yonderland - how is everybody?

The 5 chapter series of Fred in Yonderland was a HUGE succes! I have had such incredible fun doing it together with Spitzmagic. Four out of the 5 chapters made frontpageNow how awsome is that! For anyone who couldn't find chapter 3 but still would like to read without having to look for it, here's the link.


I see you at another story! Thanks so much for reading! I very, very much appreciated it!


Meanwhile Spitzmagic did her story Butterfly Kisses, which I loved immensely. It is about Barb and her sister Fred and brother Rex finding the right man for mom before they will move out and live their adult lives, a prelude to Fred in Yonderland.

I decided to do a similar thing with Sean and Nita and I am now working at this story. Hope to have that finished by the end of the week. Well....then after that story Barb & myself will do another story together again and do a followup on Fred, Sean, Nita and Barb and their everyone happy? is everyone still alive? how is mom? and Rex? And not in the least: HOW are FRED and BARB doing? Until then!


You might not Gnome me....

but I really WANT ONE!!! A magical gnome...I have been in the crypt a trillion times....I had to build extra rooms and floors to store all my gems....I have been fishing for a thousand years....*sob sob*....I can't find one....


What am I doing wrong???

YEAY!!! Reached 15000 downloads!!!

It is a milestone for me! I am so greatful for all the nice comments and feedback I have been receiving from all of you! Loads of thank you's to you!!! 15000 is alot! Wow...cheers!


And also 1000 Thanks. What a beautiful round number! Thanks again to YOU!



Dear TSR...Can you do something about my Guestbook count???? It says I have 16 new posts....No way! I read them all!!!!

What is WRONG?

As of today I can't seem to download from the site anymore. I am logged in, have fun browsing around and find the thing I really like....Then I pick one for download ..hit the button to start it and...PUFFF I get a screen where I have to log in again...This happens everytime I want to download something. Soooo Strange. WHAT can I do? My profile site shows an old story...NOT the most recent one, the "Fred in Yonderland" series.

It's really,  really annoying.

My guestbook counter says I have 14 new entrees...and that is NOT true. I have read all of them...What's going on here?

Anyone has an answer? I submitted this post to the staff as well. PLEASSSSE...I NEED some of that wonderful material out there to download!


Well...I can't go on the forum either. Am I a 'persona non grata?' I am a mere zombie wandering around the lands of TSR....HELLLPPP

OK...I got a reply from Thomas! I am really happy he answered me this quickly! (Yes, I said thanks...) He suggested to change my browser fron Explorer to Firefox...Guess what...It helped!

I'm off now to do some downloading before returning to the game.


Still have a couple of issues.

My guestbook count

My story index page

But also...I'm nearly up to have 15.000 downloads! I get the bubbly out when I reach that and I will thank you all then!!!


Building or writing?

I LOVE to build houses! ....and I LOVE doing stories...It's been awhile sinceI uploaded a house because writing the story Fred In Yonderland has my full attention now. It has been a pleasure writing it together with my friend Barbara! You know...I alway worked 5 days a week, since a couple of years I work mo thru wed and therefor have 4 day weekends! Lucky me! Now I can write AND design! Ofcourse this first month I was still discovering all possibilities playing sims3, and now I also want to look into creating patterns...but I am really no good on photoshop or paintshop. I was schooled the old fashioned way...behind the drawing board. Good thing I befriended the computer late eighties and so the pc doesn't scare me ...LOL... Probably will upload the big English Manor of Chester Field III, I build together with my friend Haagje. We have been building, decorating and playing that one over the last weekend.

I decided to do both again...Building and writing...Boy, sure hope my husband is enjoying watching sports on them weekends!

Latest Headlines much to do so little time! Back home Story Time Downloads Kudo's Fred In Yonderland - how is... You might not Gnome me.... YEAY!!! Reached 15000 downloads!!! What is WRONG? Building or writing?
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