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fredbrenny's Guestbook

ShinoKCRSep 2, 2013

Hi Freddie! It was wonderful to see you in the comments for Devis Bathroom! \:wub\: Thank you for your feedback! Huggles Renate

DjeranotjuhAug 28, 2013

\:o \:D Wow! Echt heel erg bedankt voor jou comments op mijn huisjes! Ben blij dat je ze leuk vind! \:D En we moeten zeker weten meer praten hehe! \:D Bedankt Bedankt! \:wub\: Nog een fijne dag verder!

GuardgianAug 24, 2013

Thank you so much dear, your lovely comment on Barocco made me really happy ! Have a nice week-end \:wub\:

DT456Jul 30, 2013

Hi fred, I am doing great as well!! I started a new school last year which 1˝ hours away from my hometown so thats why I've been gone for a while. Had to get up early and got home late.. \:\( Hope you have a great day!! \:\)

DT456Jul 20, 2013

Hi there Fred!! Long time since I wrote here, how are you?? \:\) \:D

simperfect1991Jul 16, 2013

Ja mn laptop is al een hele tijd gecrached dus ik kan de sims helaas niet spelen. Ga wel weer een nieuwe kopen want ik wil snel weer huizen bouwen \:\)

JindannJul 12, 2013

Oh My God, i really get a honor to get such positive feedback from you, Fred. Thank you so much\:wub\: You make me happy, indeed!

IlseBoerJun 26, 2013


The_UnicornJun 17, 2013

You're welcome \:wub\:... Zo leuk om echte Nederlandse dingetjes en gebouwen hier te zien op TSR... En ook leuk om de comments te lezen op jou werk van alle anderen... Je laat echt zien hoe mooi ons landje eigenlijk is...hahah!!!\;\) Proud to be Dutch!!!\:rah\:

FlovvJun 15, 2013

Thank you so much again! \:wub\:\:wub\: Can't wait for your next amazing building! \:wub\:\:wub\:

PralinesimsJun 11, 2013

(*THANK YOU!!!*) Have a gorgeous day!!! xoxo

corinaandrea1976Jun 10, 2013

love all your creations ,wonderful creator and beautiful work\:\)

siwaJun 4, 2013

I have to thank you because you have shared this amazing house \:\)

KettySimJun 3, 2013

LOL, I'll be looking forward to your other post \:D, I'm just trying to mess myself up by looking at other people's work and commenting on them. I'll be looking forward to your beautiful scenery too, and as for I, hmmm maybe I'll just go play sims 2, 3 , and 1 oh and don't forget about simcity 4 :3 I'll be taking humor screenshot from sims 2 and 3 and 1 since I like to fool around but I'm not a fool okay XD LOL this is like a speech or something XD

KettySimJun 2, 2013

Oh whoopsi\:D, from what I just thought though, LOLZIES \:rah\:

Demented DesignsJun 1, 2013

Thank you right back lady! Originally Carlito was furnished, and much prettier, but I discovered I had accumulated a lot of random cc from other sites when I submitted it from downloading older lots. Since I no longer remember where I got what content(yes, I may be getting old lol), I just did a deep cleaning to try and keep that from happening again. I need to find some time to catch up on your stories to. We are not totally done rebuilding, but done enough to take a bit of a break when we want to.

Fiqri3Jun 1, 2013

Yes, i know... \:\)

Lulu265Jun 1, 2013

You have a super weekend as well and remember all work and no play make Fred a dull girl.. I am glad the tomb is done \:wub\:\:wub\: chat soon

FlovvMay 26, 2013

Thank you so much for your wonderful comment, you made me super happy! \:wub\:\:wub\: It means me a lot to get feedback from you! \:wub\:\:wub\: Hope you have a really lovely next week and time for building. \:wub\:\:wub\:

CAROGIRL62May 17, 2013


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