frisbud's Blog
Heads up!!
My first submission as a Featured Artist will be a set of faces that I call "Light Ladies". I'm shooting for about 5-6 light female faces, which will hopefully be completed by the end of this week. So look for those coming soon to TSR.And now for something completely different...
In addition to my skinning and face making, I have decided to try my hand at building houses and lots too. My first submission in this field is my SimCity Mall. It's a Maxis-only, scaled-down version of the Mega Mall that I built for my own game. For those interested, you can find pics of my Mega Mall on page 2 of this thread in the Sims1 House & Building forum here at TSR: here are some previews of my submission, the SimCity Mall:
Valentine's 2006 theme
With Valentine's Day looming, I have decided to postpone submitting my next set of skins in the Fashion Fever series. Instead I'll be submitting some Valetine's themed skins. So be on the lookout for my TSR 2006 Valentine's skins. I'll be posting preview pics as I complete each outfit. To view the pics, simply click on the "About Me" link to access my profile.Welcome
Hello all, and welcome to my blog. I'll be using this space to keep everyone up-to-date with the Sims1 creations I'm working on for TSR. I had 5 holiday-themed skins that were just posted, based on Barbie dolls. I also have 2 heads that are waiting to be published -- actress Vanessa Marcil and actor Tyler Christopher.I'm currently working on more items from the Fashion Fever collection of Barbie dolls. As I get them completed, I will be posting preview pics here.
Thanks for visiting my mini-site!!