frisbud's Blog
Last set of TSO objects -- for now
This week I'll be working on my last bunch of TSO object conversions -- for now anyway. I may convert other items at a later date. This set will contain the office clock and elevators that I didn't get finished from previous weeks, an edible wedding cake, and more.
Even More TSO Objects
Since I'm on a roll with the TSO object conversions, I might as well keep going. So...this week I'll be submitting more TSO items. I'm hoping to have a few dressers, some wedding themed stuff, some elevators, and more. It all depends how much free time I get now that tax season has started, and I'm working more hours than usual.
More Sims Online objects
This week I'm still working on some Sims Online objects. So far I have... 1) a gameshow set with a wall light and some podiums for the host and contestants, 2) a corkboard for an office/study, 3) a generic neon sign, and 4) a working wall clock. Depending on how much free time I have this week, more items may be added.
Sims Online objects
This week I will be submitting some objects that use graphics from The Sims Online, which were converted to Sims1 format and very generously made available by Peter of Atelier Quebec. As with previous objects of mine, some of these will be using the "joinable" bases from Lost Sims as well.
Tyler Wentworth Faces and Fashions
I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday season. Now that the holiday madness is done, I can get back to a regular creating schedule again. This next project is huge, and will be posted in many different parts over the coming year. It is a series of faces and fashions based on the Tyler Wentworth series of dolls from the Tonner Doll Company. Previews for the first part of this project will be posted shortly.
True Blood faces and outfit
I have become addicted to the new HBO show True Blood, based on the Southern Vampire novels by Charlaine Harris. As with my other tv addictions, I felt the need to have some of the cast in my Sims game. I have just uploaded faces for Bill and Sookie, plus a skin of Sookie's waitress uniform from Merlotte's Bar & Grill. If there are other True Blood characters you would like to see made into Sims, please feel free to comment here or send me a PM.Bill Compton

Sookie Stackhouse

Merlotte's Uniform

Halloween Joinable Statues
This is a big project so it will probably take me a couple of weeks to complete. I may release these in two groups, one each week though. I'll have to see how much I have done at the end of the week. Anyhoo, once again using the joinable bases from Lost Sims, I will be making a number of Halloween-themed statues. I am using various Maxis skins for this -- the Grim Reaper, the Mad Scientist skin from LL, the zombie skins from LL, many of the Magic Town NPCs, and so on. Previews will be posted as I go.On a Rampage
This week I am working on some skins based on fashions from Rampage. Here are the previews...

Girl's clothes
Since my children started the new school year this past week, I have been inspired to make some children's skins. Some will be based on stuff in my daughter's closet, others will be based on vintage Skipper doll outfits. I only have a couple of children in my game, which is why I don't make children's skins that often. Stay tuned for some previews.

A little bit of this, a little bit of that
This week, I am working on a few different things(skins, heads, lots, etc). I'm trying to finish up some stuff that is already started, so I can get it off of my computer. I am also working on a couple of requests this week as well. Preview pics will be posted as I get things completed.Lee Pace