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frisbud's Blog

Emme -- Plus sized clothes

*Adding pics* My project for the next couple of weeks is to create some plus-sized skins for your larger Sim women. These will be based on the Emme dolls by Robert Tonner & the Tonner Doll Company, which were inspired by the real life plus-sized model Emme. I'll also be making faces to go along with the clothes. I'll be spreading these out over two weeks because I have quite a few planned. As always preview photos will be posted as the outfits are completed. The outfits I complete this week will be in this blog entry, and I'll post another blog entry for the following week.

Moving some heads from my Yahoo group

During my little break this week, I decided to move some of the stuff from my Yahoo group over here to TSR. So, I have submitted a set of 6 faces from the defunct television series Witchblade, which ran on TNT during the summers of 2001 and 2002. I have also submitted faces for the casts of the television shows CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and CSI: New York. In all I have submitted 20 faces this week. Those should be published next weekend. I've posted some pics below as a preview. Just a small note...I have switched head meshes for Catherine Willows of CSI, so while the face will be the same, the hairstyle that I have submitted here for her will be different than in the preview pic below. I'll post back tomorrow with more information on the project that I'm tackling for this week.

Taking a break this week

Hey folks, I just wanted to let you know that I'm taking a small break this week. I've been cranking out a lot for TSR lately, and I miss having time to actually play my game. Plus I haven't updated my Yahoo group in almost 4 months, so I'd like to finish up the set of faces that I'm working on so I can post an update there(this set was also a request from a member so I'm sure she would like me to complete the set too). Not to mention the tons of downloads that are sitting on my computer, waiting for me to sort through them to see which I want to use in my game. That is why I have decided to take this one week break.

I will be submitting a couple of things, but I'm not sure what those will be yet. I have a ton of stuff sitting on my computer that is half done, so I'm taking this opportunity to finsh off a couple of those. I'll post back later with more info and pics when they are done.

I'm also using this one week break to sort through inspiration pics and get some prep work done on the next few projects that I'll be submitting here to TSR. In no particular order, those will include...a set of skins for girls based on the Marley Wentworth dolls by Robert Tonner, a set of skins for full-figured women based on the Emme dolls inspired by the plus-size model Emme and made by Robert Tonner, a set of skins for males based on the Matt O'Neill dolls by Robert Tonner, and of course I'll be going back to some Barbie fashions at some point. So this week will really help me get ready for the many projects that I have lined up, and help me decide in which order I want to tackle them.

More Kitty Collier

*Adding yet another pic* I was hoping to get more Kitty Collier fashions done last week, but time ran out. Plus I found a bunch more pics from the archives section at the Tonner Doll Company site that I decided I wanted to try. So this week I'll be continuing with the Kitty Collier fashions. Faces are included with the fashions. That was another thing that contributed to fewer items being completed last week...I had to do the face construction too. The basic face is done, so all I have to do now is just find the right hairstyle mesh to use. Preview pics to be added as I complete the fashions.

Kitty Collier

*Adding more pics* This week's project are some skins, and hopefully some faces too, based on the Kitty Collier dolls by the Tonner Doll Company. I'm not sure which ones or how many I'll be able to crank out this week, but I should be able to get about 5-6 skins and hopefully the faces too. Preview pics will be added as I complete things.

Vacation Lots and lakeside houses

*Done adding pics* I'm taking a brief break from skinning this week to work on some building projects. I'm planning on building a couple of lakeside houses for lots 8 & 10(those are the lots in the original neighborhood with the water border). I am also planning on building with the 3 beach lots from Vacation, Lots 46, 47, and 48. The current plan, which could change as I start building, is: 1) Lot 46 as a Tiki bar kind of thing, 2) Lot 47 will be an aquatic center with a giant pool and a snack/shopping area, and 3) Lot 48 is the Bungalow Beach Bed & Breakfast resort, featuring 4 bungalows for your Sims to "rent" for their Vacation stay.

If anything changes, I'll post back to let you know. As always pics will be added as the houses or lots are completed.

Edit: Because of the holiday here in the US this past week, I wasn't able to finish the second house. I have 1 house and 3 Vacation Island lots completed. The other house will be finished at a later date.

Dolls other than Barbie

*Done adding pics* Yes, folks, for as much as I love Barbie, there are other dolls out there that I like too. And they have some beautiful clothes that would look fantastic on my Sims. So, this week, I'm going to venture out of the Barbie realm for a moment(don't worry Barbie fans, I have tons of Barbie clothes both modern and vintage on my To-Do list), and tackle some other doll fashions.

I've been collecting pics of a lot of the Tonner dolls(Tyler Wentworth, Kitty Collier, et al), the Alex collection by Madame Alexander, and some lesser known dolls that have peaked my interest.(I'm sure my hubby is getting tired of seeing doll pics on our computer.) From all of those pics, I've decided on a few to do for this week. There will be a couple of outfits from the Janay dolls by Integrity Playline, and some others based on the RuPaul dolls by Jason Wu, inspired by the famed entertainer RuPaul. Previews of the skins, and pics of the dolls that inspired them, will be posted as I go along.

Up Next -- Assorted Faces

*Adding pics* This coming week's project is a bunch of assorted faces both male and female. The Heads section hasn't had any submissions in a few weeks, so I think I'll toss some in. Preview pics wil be added later.

Joinable statues

I'm considering venturing into the object making realm with a set of mannequins/statues that are not just decorative, but also functional. They will be using the joinable bases from Lost Sims. Here's the blurb from Lost Sims about the joinable bases:

Lost sims joinable objects
The idea behind these objects is they are a new way to socialize and have fun at the same time. With these painting and sculpture bases you can create an away from home art gallery for your sims to visit. Since it is a fun activity for them, you should get lots of visitors to the lots where you put these objects. You don't have to use them just for an art gallery though. They work great as an extra fun activity at away from home lots, and they don't take up a lot of space.

This project is still in the planning stages. At the moment, here's my "wishlist" of items for this project:

1) set of statues for a museum setting(Egyptian, Native American, ancient Greek/Roman, and so on)
2) set of statues/mannequins for Downtown/Vacation/OldTown/StudioTown clothing stores(swimsuit, formal, pajama, winter, high fashion, etc)
3) set of statues for a "haunted" house or Halloween theme(vampires, mummyies. werewolves, witches, etc)
4) set of statues of celebrities for a Sim replica of Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum

Any imput from you guys and gals reading this would be nice. You can comment here or PM me with comments or other ideas for this project as well.

Vintage Barbie

*Adding pics* After frying myself in the sun for a couple of hours, I finally decided on my next project -- Vintage Barbie. So, this next week I'll be working on some replicas of vintage Barbie fashions that span the decades (50's, 60's, 70's). As always, pics will be added as I complete the fashions.

Latest Headlines

Emme -- Plus sized clothes Moving some heads from my Yahoo... Taking a break this week More Kitty Collier Kitty Collier Vacation Lots and lakeside houses Dolls other than Barbie Up Next -- Assorted Faces Joinable statues Vintage Barbie
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