gil_shalos (557959)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1012 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Bluestone Apartments
Published Aug 28, 2010
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
I've been playing The Sims since about 2000. At that time I only had the original game but, after buying PC Format Nov 2002 which had Sims downloads from TSR on a disc, I soon had all the expansion packs and I also began to download objects etc. I still enjoy playing The Sims but now I mainly play Sims 2 and Sims 3.
I enjoy all parts of the game, playing, building, trying to create and I love doing the challenges on here.
The type houses I prefer to build are 'normal' sized ones rather than ones with enormous rooms (mainly because I find them difficult to furnish >g< )
Away from The Sims I'm a full time mum of 6 and also have 3 step daughters. I also have a Grandson & 5 Step-Grandchildren. We also have 10 cats. When not playing Sims I enjoy reading, listening to music, genealogy and crossstitch.
My Guestbook Show All
evetsangelJan 04, 2009
I like your Malgrave Apts.
pretty_babyOct 18, 2008
Thanks for all your comments on my creations Very much appreciated!! Have fun x
elainearoraOct 14, 2008
Hi,Thankyou for leaving a comment on my 'Pot of Daisies' I'm really happy you liked it. Have a great day!. Elaine