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gissence's Blog

Fan Page

I just created a fan page for slowly but ever expanding body of work. I know my challange will be to maintain it. What can I say, I'm a bridge builder not a toll collector.

Please skadoot over there is you haven't yet and smack the LIKE button.

Ravenpark Update Two

Just to let everybody know, three more lots have been finished for about 3 weeks (Stables, Steeplechase, Trotting Pond) but I'm still not able to upoad anything do to the Pets EP debacle. I've rigfixed every file in site I swear. I've also become involved in a small collaberative project for Christmas that we think everyone will enjoy. So, maybe I'll get these things uploaded somethime after the 25th (fingers crossed).

Ravenpark Update

Man, I need to blog more. It looks like I don't do a thing when in fact the opposite is true.

Anyway, just a quick update to say the Ravenpark stables are well under way. What I think will also be happening is at least one other 64 x64 lot with a steeplechase course on it. I've also placed a smaller lot in front of the mansion to the right of the entrance road but I'm not sure what to do with it at this point.

I know I mentioned a tomb in the video but I'm not sure that will happen at this point, but we will see.

I have to work some testing out with how these horses interact with the sims and the buildings.

Do stay tuned, Thanks - Gary

I Need Your Opinion

If you download lots please pop over to my minisite and give me your perspective in my one question poll. It's just a simple yes or no question.

Ten seconds in and out, promise!! Thanks


A few of you may be wondering about my prolonged dusky spell. Not to worry. I got bit by the tomb spider and since the first of the year I've thrown all my energy into learning and producing them. I will have some tangeable results by the time our next theme hits the streets in April.

In a sub catagory of lot downloads lies a catagory called tombs, it's been there since around September last and there are 9 submissions in it. After almost three months of working with them I can now understand completely why that is. I wish though that more people would find that extra bit of tenacity to stick with it because there are SO many new possibilities and realms now for the builder to explore than one could ever imagine. This first project of mine, for instance, has found me totally caught up not just in constructing the tomb but building a plausible story line and plot around it. There are other spin off bunny trails too like story telling, machima and sim characters that can all tie into any given tomb project . You can even try a collaberative effort as I'm doing with Fredbrenny, one of our premier story writers.

Whether traditional or digital, how many strategy type games are out there? It's really too difficult to number, isn't it. Well that's the blue ocean that I'm seeing here. The exciting challange in it for me is how to translate some of those concepts into a sim tomb. In this first project I've attempted to put a working sudoku puzzle in the tomb for your sim to work out, just make sure they bring a pencil and grid paper in with them.

If you are a builder, do consider it. The learning curb can be arduous particularly if you are right brain challanged like me, but at the same time I've never felt like I've been in the flow more than ever recently.

If you like to stratagise, seek out a good builder and hook up with them. You will both have a blast I'm telling you!

If you are a simmer who also likes strategy games, stay tuned because all this effort is for you!!

21st Century Monitors

Man alive! does my minisite look quacked up on these widescreen monitors. Is this what you people have been seiing all this time? Zoinks!! I had no idea. Allthough, I'm not sure it's worth futzin' over what with the new site design rolling out in December.

The Skype Effect

Since becoming an FA I've gotten hooked up with our Skype groups and have been invited to offer my graphics perspectives in the site re-design group. So if my submissions seem to suddenly be getting a bit skimpy, that would be the reason. In the last two weeks I've scantly been seen around my build screen. I have a couple lots still hanging around that are yet to be submitted. I'll try to get those in the pipeline sometime soon. I've also got a unique holloween castle already done so be looking for that sometime later next month. I don't know how much longer I'll be in the mix other than to say the new site is slated to role out around Christmas. I can't imagine being needed right up until then but I can't say for sure. We will see. Thanks again for all your support everybody, you make it all worth while!  Do share your thoughts.

Glenriff Re-upload

After almost 3500 downloads somebody finally found the hair to step up and say...Hey lizard head, where's the interior that's in the screenshots? Sure shootin', come to find out I unwittingly uploaded an unfinished simpack that was sent to another artist who was going to furnish and decorate it. Now, to all the 3500 rest of you who said nothing, I forgive you but your recompense is to upload the new file and enjoy that lovely interior I slaved over. Note that GLENRIFF is still a free download even though I am now an FA.


My Dancing Day

I knew that it would bode well come FA picking time after I learned last Thursday that I was this months first place SA pick.  As exhilerating as that moment was, what really rocked my dome was Sue's PM a mere 5 days later inviting me to step up to FA status! I envisioned this moment back when I submitted Hemplewhyte in September of '08. On Tuesday morning I just settled back into a vertical stare for a suspended moment and then got up to do a little jig to the the kitchen and back! Many many people earnestly feel they are good at something and envision the same moment but the acid test has to eventually come when others of like exceptional skill and passion think likewise...and express it.

The scriptures say "Let another's lips praise you and not your own". Praise has been duly expressed and while it is a huge adrenaline rush it is also quite humbling because no one is an island unto their own self. I thank EVERYONE involved along the way; from all of you who laddled the accodades on top of any given submission, to the shortlist of fellow artisans (Gosik, Kat, Freddie, Shannon, Sue, Paul, I hope I didn't leave anybody out) who have dialoged with me about issues great and small, to the FA selection panel, and ultimately to The ONE who has placed in each of our hearts, minds and fingers our respective giftings.

May we always remember, no one is an island. HUGE HUGE kudos to all of you!!!

Now back to the build screen.



Dandywine Mile Marker

I don't often blog.....Okay, rarely do I blog, I just wanted to stamp a date on the fact that my DANDYWINE COLLEGE community lot just past 10,000 downloads within the last couple of days. I know it remains the top download fetcher in the community section. I don't have the time to comb through all the residential lots just to stroke my ego so I can't vouch for the residential section.  Just shy of 13 months after it's publication it continues to get downloaded almost daily. Honestly, I've never understood that makes it so popular, being unfurnished, undecorated and so carernous.  If you have a hunch please share it with me. I mean what are you people doing with this thing? Perhaps it gets downloaded out of shear curiosity. But there it is nontheless and from the bottom of my heart I thank each of you downloaders for allowing me to own this personal mile marker.

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Fan Page Ravenpark Update Two Ravenpark Update I Need Your Opinion Tombs 21st Century Monitors The Skype Effect Glenriff Re-upload My Dancing Day Dandywine Mile Marker
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